
It should not be controversial to say that prison sexual violence and/or coercion is never a good thing or an appropriate thing to joke or threaten about, even when the target is someone terrible. It is a deeply fucked up, traumatic part of our carceral system.
the lincoln project people are deeply unserious people.
that being said, bannon is an absolute piece of shit that has an extremely shady background and probably killed people and dissolved them in an acid filled hot tub! he belongs in prison and should rot there
dude has been fantasizing about murdering our democracy since he wast just a middle aged fascist trying to industrialize the Warcraft Economy while wearing no less than 3 popped collars at a time.
I know the carceral state is a cruel place but if Bannon gets stabbed to death in prison I’m gonna fuckin laugh- he’s a stochastic terrorist leader and an undignified death will probably save a lot of lives down the road
Ff he gets it from some J6'er I'll have a good laugh and go, oh well. I have a special sphere of indiffenence to the fate of anyone in Trump's circle. Any horrible fates in store for them is going to have me losing as much sleep as I did over Ramsey Bolton at the end of the Battle of the Bastards.
I was never a GoT guy so I gotta take your word for it
I would not be that upset about him no longer being around to hurt people, but prison violence is still horrifying no matter who it's happening to, no matter how awful they are. We lock more people up than any other country in the world and the failure to provide a safe environment is a great evil.
I honestly think that in some better future, folks will look back at our history and be as horrified of our current prison system as most of us are of our past system of slavery here in the US.
I will recant. I need to stop making exceptions, even for people I view as the lowest and worst. Carceral violence (esp sexual violence) should not be part of the 'experience' and violence by and against prisoners should just be considered crime. Prison should be rehabilitation/rehabituation.
credit for opening a path for never trumpers to feel like they had a permission stucture to vote for biden in 2020, but since then it looks like it's been a shitshow for them. just a lot of bad decisions and not much help anymore.