
It should not be controversial to say that prison sexual violence and/or coercion is never a good thing or an appropriate thing to joke or threaten about, even when the target is someone terrible. It is a deeply fucked up, traumatic part of our carceral system.
It is not funny. It is not just. It is not an appropriate part of a carceral sentence. We should not view it as an inevitability and we should not speak of it as "deserved". It is one of the many shames of our carceral system and one of the reasons we need radical prison reform.
Okay, that's enough fucking tedious replies to this
Too many people still think rape is good if it's done to a bad person.
And it's so goddamn frustrating. No! I am against ANYONE being sexually assaulted, even if they are objectively terrible people! And I think the pervasive idea that sexual assault is a necessary and proper part of our carceral system is yet another fucking horrifying part of our carceral system!
The carceral system is supposed to stop and punish rapists, not supply them with more victims.
We rightly consider the concept of official judicial rape to be horrifying and barbaric, so it is just as heinous to wish for the unofficial variety.
And so many people think it's funny or think that wishing it on people is justified, sigh
They’re wrong and deserve to be called out, so good on you for it.
the lincoln project people are deeply unserious people.
that being said, bannon is an absolute piece of shit that has an extremely shady background and probably killed people and dissolved them in an acid filled hot tub! he belongs in prison and should rot there
dude has been fantasizing about murdering our democracy since he wast just a middle aged fascist trying to industrialize the Warcraft Economy while wearing no less than 3 popped collars at a time.
I know the carceral state is a cruel place but if Bannon gets stabbed to death in prison I’m gonna fuckin laugh- he’s a stochastic terrorist leader and an undignified death will probably save a lot of lives down the road
Ff he gets it from some J6'er I'll have a good laugh and go, oh well. I have a special sphere of indiffenence to the fate of anyone in Trump's circle. Any horrible fates in store for them is going to have me losing as much sleep as I did over Ramsey Bolton at the end of the Battle of the Bastards.
I would not be that upset about him no longer being around to hurt people, but prison violence is still horrifying no matter who it's happening to, no matter how awful they are. We lock more people up than any other country in the world and the failure to provide a safe environment is a great evil.
I was never a GoT guy so I gotta take your word for it
credit for opening a path for never trumpers to feel like they had a permission stucture to vote for biden in 2020, but since then it looks like it's been a shitshow for them. just a lot of bad decisions and not much help anymore.
It's disgusting (especially to survivors of SA) to be saying shit like this. It's basically saying that some people deserve to be raped.
And that some should be allowed to rape.
People in this country are well trained to feel that anyone in prison deserves the worst despite the obvious systemic problems and inhumane conditions. It makes one wonder what horrors would be tolerated so long as you tell everyone the person is bad. History has harsh lessons falling on deaf ears.
the Lincoln Project are and always have been republicans, which is to say disgusting people.
I have had the job of reviewing jail sexual violence allegations. They are stomach turning to read and the common thread is that guards were aware and did nothing to stop it. The Lincoln Project should apologize and retract this video. Carceral sexual violence is an extension of state violence.
Lincoln Project, huh. Never Trumpers but still Republicans, meaning morally bankrupt but somewhat less so that full MAGA.
I’m not interested in people who would happily elect any Republican other than Trump
I've asked people who make these kinds of jokes "was that a rape joke" and they usually don't like it framed that way.
Rick Wilson is and always has been a complete fucking asshole. He made his money making this kind of gross shit for the right and now that it enabled what it always was going to he’s making money off of making them for the left.
no surprise that 'good' republicans are entertained by the idea of sexual assault of their enemies... even if their enemies are 'bad' republicans
The Lincoln Project isn't nearly as smart as they think they are. One of their stunts in Virginia backfired and ended up helping Youngkin over McAuliffe.
These are the worst people I basically agree with on the issues.