
Not for nothing but the times running a single-sourcer that says "Biden recognizes that he can't fuck up like that again" amid a bunch of editorial slant does tend to make me think that Sulz is getting frustrated that it's not working. That's not even a good single-source backstab!
i thought yesterday that they’d hit overplaying their hand status, and i think it even more today. part of what’s going on here is that it’s legitimately a slow news week, lots of americans are on vacation at least part of the week, click tide is high, but that receeeds starting tomorrow
We've fully arrived to the "news cycle about the news cycle" stage, & the most they have to show is a couple dooming moderates, anonymous backbiting, & Nancy Pelosi saying it's reasonable to be concerned about the health of the president.
if biden flubs the interview with ABC on Friday, then I'll worry.
Exactly. If he can't right the ship, then they'll obviously have a point. Until then, it's just a bad debate
my worry is mostly that they won’t let him right the ship I’m not convinced that a good interview will change the tone of the coverage at all, and I’m not convinced Biden can win an election where this is the coverage environment through November “can the Times keep this up through Nov?” well…
I do not think it is reasonable to assume that a week's worth of bad press can be sustained for another 4 months
not at this volume but they can absolutely sustain a steady drip of stories every time he has a bad moment, which he will I’d really like to be wrong, I am just significantly worried Biden can ever get the coverage he needs to flip the race guess we’ll see how Friday plays out at least
a good televised ABC interview is worth exponentially more to the public than four months worth of op-ed columns at the NYT
and specifically the NYT! part of the reason for the freakout so far is every other outlet doing doom coverage, but everyone else is tapering off
I think that’s the question for me if the Times and only the Times continues the coverage, he can get through it if the “too old! can’t do the job!” drumbeat keeps up everywhere else he can’t
a quick survey of other major papers and then swing state papers show that, aside from the Times, you're maxing out at one above-the-fold story. in the swing states the biden-old story has already fallen off the top
even CNN is flogging it a fraction of what the times is, and, like, CNN 2024 is CNN 2024
Hell they mic'd him like that and they still don't care to keep pushing it.