
I posted something last night about how the Stephanopulos interview demonstrated that Biden's voice is incredibly hoarse and fucked up and someone replied saying I was doing embarrassing apologetics for Biden, and like, it's really bad if you are 80 years old and have a cold that lasts 2 weeks!
Yup. Biden's claim repeatedly has been like "I've been too busy being President to focus on beating Trump" and the thing is your number one job as President is to beat Trump and make sure he doesn't return to power! Literally nothing more important!
It's difficult and annoying to talk about this because mainstream campaign reporters have always been addicted to covering everything as idiotic theater criticism, but part of the president's job really is to perform for the public and Biden is truly bad at it now
And his party and administration shied away from doing anything substantive and decisive about Trump and the insurrection in 2021, so now his ability to beat Trump on the stump is the last line of defense!
Yup. Biden had one fucking job. Put the boot to the head of fascism and kick it in and he and doj haven't remotely done that and here we are.