The Big LeBluesky

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The Big LeBluesky

leftist if it matters, nihilist if it doesn't.
formerly of garbage twitter,, and currently of bluesky. Jolene's dad
Yellow jackets have stung my puppy. I'm declaring jihad on yellow jackets
ranked competitive freak matching
Hearing that in honor of pride month the UN has decided to rename it the Gay of Gibraltar
I hate that craft beer variety packs always have one ultra hopped garbage IPA called something like 'mutant cum' It's almost guaranteed to be a fucked up batch that they're trying to disguise enough to sell anyway. Just give me mix packs of the good shit please
Lol @ the US getting mad that the ICC is looking to charge Bibi. They've already chosen not to be a part of the ICC or recognize it as legitimate. So having any reaction at all, they're legitimizing its efficacy while having absolutely zero say in the process. Absolute masterclass in geopolitics
I don't understand how I'm supposed to just go back to work with a normal brain after bumping BBL Drizzy remixes all day yesterday
I'm starting to think Kendrick Lamar does not very much care for this Aubrey Graham fellow
And I thought that white middle and upper middle class Boomer homeowners were going to leave all this equity to their children and grandchildren... ...but my white progressive friends have disabused me of this notion! Escalating cost of eldercare is about to HOOVER up alllllll that equity. 🙃
If there's no legal right to protest then there's a civic responsibility to riot instead.
The Big LeBluesky has anyone considered this
I did therapy today and feel great (logged into nextdoor and called a boomer a loser)
well well well look where you’ve come crawling to post
Sure are a lot of old people voting
I'm all in favor of people wearing whatever cringe icons they want, but I believe some of them should indicate that the person has opted in to PVP. Pirate flags, punisher skulls, etc. Sound off in the comments to add to the official list
Tony Bennett coaches such dog shit basketball lol
This channel is awful, please make sure you dislike, unsubscribe, and smelt the bell
You know why Finland housed their homeless? Because it's cheaper - saving Finland about $14K per person per year in crime, addiction, mental health, and emergency housing services. In Canada/UK/US, we mostly rely on raising police budgets instead & still watch those problems rising exponentially.
Finland’s successful approach to ending homelessness catches eye of Quebec City | Quebec City Mayor Bruno Marchand has suggested that the solution to the crisis may be a Finnish model, which is a 'housing first' approach that aims to give everyone a home.
My lowercase t trauma is that I'll forever be using body butter to the tune of Maisie Peters
Shout out to Wegmans for advertising Fresno peppers as a "sweet" alternative to jalapenos for my smoked stuffed peppers. Delicious. Only note is that the batch I got were serrano hot, which was extremely funny when all the cowards who opted for the "safe" pepper tried one at the same time. 11/10
I love Thanksgiving but it really should be a week long by default
In keeping with the spirit of the holiday, it should be noted that only flags which are forcibly taken from their owners count
Annual reminder that Thanksgiving has nothing to do with pilgrims and natives; it was instituted by President Lincoln in 1864 to celebrate Union victories, so if you really want to observe it properly you should burn a Confederate flag.
End of feed.