Gregory Crosby

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Gregory Crosby

Poet. Author of Said No One Ever (2021) and Walking Away From Explosions in Slow Motion (2018).
In much the same way the culture was forced to come up with the notion of a "gentleman."
it's so bleakly funny that we as a culture came up with the concept of "wife guys" which is just guys that love their wives. thats what you're supposed to do!!
A line from Denis Johnson's Tree of Smoke: "You can't just paint everything with your mind to make it look like it makes sense."
I had a roommate try to indoctrinate me into the Landmark cult… until I pointed out that if I forked over the signup fee I wouldn’t be able to pay my share of the rent.
Alright, I have a distraction thread. What is the worst thing your flatmate ever did? I'll start: I came home early from work and caught him, wanking in MY bed 🤮
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I don't even know what to say about this world anymore, but I'll make an attempt this Wednesday evening at The Tank on 36th Street, alongside these excellent poets.
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the husky fragrance / Breaking out of your voice, John Ashbery
RIP Shannen Doherty. Only 53.
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It becomes extremely easy to live whole trauma cycles inside your head for hours, staring at a glowing box. You lose track of what is real and what isn't. It all becomes raw feeling, extrapolation, opinion, hysteria, feeding the beast your attention when it could be better served elsewhere.
Reposted byAvatar Gregory Crosby
Reposted byAvatar Gregory Crosby
god just imagine how great things are right now in the second worst timeline
Reposted byAvatar Gregory Crosby
Speaking as one who was in a TV newsroom on 9/11, this is the way.
I'm gonna log off! The news will still exist in a few hours and it will be less unconfirmed!
Reposted byAvatar Gregory Crosby
I don't really want to live in interesting times anymore.
If you truly want to honor the memory of Dr. Ruth, you’ll have really good sex tonight.
Reposted byAvatar Gregory Crosby
Death has reached the part of its list labeled “people who David Letterman would have on his show in the 80s because they were weird and funny but completely sincere.”
Eighties icons Richard Simmons and Dr. Ruth dead on the same day.
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The redhead I saw on a bus in San Francisco in 1991 reading Frankenstein, the paperback held delicately between her black and orange painted nails.
If someone was baiting a trap to specifically catch you, what bait would they use? Mine would be a big lump of hash (can't get it round here, miss it a lot) or a '59 Fender Bassman amp
Reposted byAvatar Gregory Crosby
Reposted byAvatar Gregory Crosby
Reposted byAvatar Gregory Crosby
Treating the world as an email you want to delete unopened vs. treating the world as a novel you might not finish.
Just drunk enough for that pleasant jaw-feels-numb feeling. Ask me anything! DMs are open!
Time and money like quicksilver in a nest of cracks.
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Reposted byAvatar Gregory Crosby
The passage about the mirror and the bumblebee in Speak, Memory. The bit about making bears dance in Madame Bovary. The final two paragraphs of "Rappacini's Daughter." The terrible epiphany at the end of Joyce's "A Painful Case."
The redhead I saw on a bus in San Francisco in 1991 reading Frankenstein, the paperback held delicately between her black and orange painted nails.
If someone was baiting a trap to specifically catch you, what bait would they use? Mine would be a big lump of hash (can't get it round here, miss it a lot) or a '59 Fender Bassman amp
Reposted byAvatar Gregory Crosby
The Artist Surrounded by Evil Spirits - James Ensor,1898.
Treating the world as an email you want to delete unopened vs. treating the world as a novel you might not finish.
The passage about the mirror and the bumblebee in Speak, Memory. The bit about making bears dance in Madame Bovary. The final two paragraphs of "Rappacini's Daughter." The terrible epiphany at the end of Joyce's "A Painful Case."
Reposted byAvatar Gregory Crosby