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🏡 Build housing , 🚘 End Car Dependency
The other thing that's so fucking dumb about this debate is the way democrats just accept the republican framing on issues. Don't hedge about abortion, just say its good and fine. Don't hedge on immigration, just say immigrants are good. I hate it.
Where does an indie game dev go to get feedback (not QA) on games that are still in an unpolished prototype phase, and not ready for general audience feedback? I've poked around a few subreddits and see people asking for feedback without much response-- is that the best option? #gamedev #godot
Reposted byAvatar Jake
the congestion pricing shitshow is really about prioritizing the convenience of people outside the city over the experience - or even the literal lives - of the people who actually live there
I spent some time at the protest against the governor pulling the plug on congestion pricing, and then when walking to the train passed an ambulance that was stopped in crosstown traffic, siren blaring, due to congestion. I'm aware that there's irony there but it's not really very funny.
It’s concerning that “Guy who obviously did crime gets convicted of crime” is such a huge shock to people. People are so used to this broken system that even the slightest hint of accountability feels shocking.
I’m happy for people to make changes to their individual behavior to reduce carbon, but imo it’s critical to understand that you aren’t meaningfully helping the problem unless you’re politically active. Taking the lower carbon flight is to make you feel better, not fix the problem. You gotta vote.
The most effective climate action? Voting. @sethwynes.bsky.social led an analysis that showed the emissions responsibility associated with voting, and with political donations, can be enormous www.cell.com/one-earth/fu...
Sometimes I step back and remember how absurd it is that this race is even competitive. The electoral college, gerrymandering, and senate all rig things for republicans. But god, even before all of that applies, how the fuck are we in a situation where half the country likes this guy.
www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/w... I love seeing “we have elderly people and young children in this neighborhood” as justification to *not* make safety improvements. Crashes kill all of those types of people, too. We need to stop making excuses and fix these problems before more lives are lost.
S.F. plans to dramatically redesign streets at site of deadly West Portal crashwww.sfchronicle.com After a crash in San Francisco’s West Portal neighborhood killed a family of four, city leaders are planning major changes to the area where it happened.
I am still dumbfounded by the fact that you need to transfer trains to “eBart” (which is diesel, despite the name) to get to Antioch. Then you finally get there and you’re dropped in the middle of endless parking lots. It’s the prototypical example of what is wrong with US transit and zoning.
Without context, can you guess what this is about? Answer: It’s about… a bike lane on Valencia street.
www.nytimes.com/2024/03/21/n... Major news outlets have such a bias towards “normality”. If congestion pricing existed and we were getting rid of it, we’d see the same reporting about people being afraid of change. If you’re a reporter, your job is to *correct* people’s assumptions, not echo them.
As Congestion Pricing Nears Reality, It Faces Growing Oppositionwww.nytimes.com A legal and political battle has erupted over the new $15 fee to drive into the busiest parts of Manhattan.
Reposted byAvatar Jake
It’s absurd to me that we live in a country where the court thinks that 1) states can do virtually whatever they want with elections (including just mass disenfranchising people), but also 2) a state removing someone from their ballot is too far over the line.
Listening to the trump hearing is maddening. His lawyers are arguing that he can’t be charged now because he wasn’t impeached. But earlier they said he shouldn’t be impeached because we had to wait and charge him after his term ended. We shouldn’t be taking these arguments seriously.
Someone on the bus today was wearing a mask around his chin. Not eating or smoking, just wearing it wrong. How is this still a thing! I get in the past it was a protest “I’m mad about this rule” thing. But in 2024 when we’ve dropped the requirements? Does not compute. Someone please explain.
End of feed.