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Furry photographer
Amended. Bill's has reopened, I'm sitting at the bar. Gonna have some amazing food tonight.
Well, didn't get to eat yet and Bill's Burgers is experiencing technical problems, so I guess I just don't eat today.
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📈 An absolutely RECORD-BREAKING year! #Anthrocon2024 🤯 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🐾 Attendance: 17,639 🐶💰 Charity Donation: Over $100,000 (by attendees)! 🚶😺 Fursuit Parade: 3371 🖼️ Covered sticker boards and 6 foot pizza boxes: ✅ See you next year on July 3-6, 2025 for "Deep Sea Adventures"!
Well, didn't get to eat yet and Bill's Burgers is experiencing technical problems, so I guess I just don't eat today.
Having watched her videos and knowing the fate of those subjects, all I can say is Oh no
Lmao just met Jenny Nicholson at anthrocon
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Hey Purple Furs at @anthrocon/ #AC2024! The #PurplePic is happening TOMORROW, as soon as the parade ends, around 3-4pm. Exact time not known, but be in HALL D, where the parade ends! As soon as the parade ends, we will gather there & take the pic! Look for me, the purple giraffe!
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Hey Purple Furs at @anthrocon.org / #AC2024! The #PurplePic is happening this SATURDAY, as soon as the parade ends, around 3-4pm. Exact time not known, but be in HALL D, where the parade ends! When the parade ends, we will gather there & take the pic! Look for me, the purple giraffe!
Me on the fursuit cruise, in direct sunlight, in a light gray T-shirt: dying, melting, burning up and dehydrated 🥵 @galefrostbane.bsky.social in front of me, in direct sunlight while wearing a jet-black fursuit: waving enthusiastically, bouncing around, giggling 😺 ×.×
Cruise is just about over. I'm a hot, sweaty mess. As soon as I disembark, I'm going to my hotel room to shower
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Does anyone at #Anthrocon2024 #AC2024 have a Canon Li-Ion battery charger I could borrow? Mine didn’t make it in my bag and I won’t be able to make it past tomorrow as my main 🪫 was DOA. LC-E6 or compatible. Please DM me or message @kijani_lion on Telegram if you can help 🙏
On today's furry river cruise. It has good air conditioning inside 🥵
@whitepaw.bsky.social can't wait to see you and give you a big hug!!
Arrived at #anthrocon. Took a refresher shower and am getting ready to start. Oh and guess who wasn't paying attention and wore all black today in the Pittsburgh summer heat? THIS FUCKING IDIOT, THAT'S WHO. See you guys downstairs!
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getting here really early scouting out different things just wanted to point out. There's some construction scaffolding in the balcony area at the convention centre itself where fursuiters like having photos taken with the City background. It MAY not be possible now. :-(
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I know it's not #FursuitFriday #Fursuit yet but I'll be at Anthrocon Friday, so I'm posting today! Who will I see there? :)
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Oops, it's just days away now! 🤣 Hope you all are prepared! #fursuitfriday #fursuit #fursuiting 📷: Exkhaniber / @bluehasia.bsky.social
Anthrocon's only a couple of weeks away! (I'm so not ready XD ) #fursuitfriday #fursuit #fursuiting 📷: Exkhaniber
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Do I know anyone local that would want to carpool to AC Wednesday late morning through Monday?
Demetrius has this immense chaotic energy, and I just feel a blurry picture of him storming my camera perfectly illustrates that #AC2023 #Fursuit
Hey #FursuitFriday ! Gonna do a post with @coopertom.bsky.social as he played in the bushes atop the DLCC #Fursuit #AC2023
My new business cards arrived in the mail today! Super happy about that. I only ordered one set of 100, since the last business cards I ordered 500 and used almost none of them.
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Started up editing photos from Saturday of #AC2023 . Featuring @eddiebear58.bsky.social and @vixitty.bsky.social . #Fursuit
Omg it's such a simple and funny joke but it's so heartwarming I'm sitting here in the corner crying ;.;
genie: you have three wishes me: I wish my cat could talk genie: you have two wishes me, petting cat: hey buddy you have two wishes
@bluehasia.bsky.social Hey I have a couple of questions related to FurTrack, should be fairly quick/easy. The "About" page listed you as one of the volunteers. Would you be able to help?
Reposted byAvatar Exkhaniber
I saw this posted on twitter but I don't think that user is on BlueSky and I wanted to share it here... This interview with Ethan Hawke perfectly describes the importance of art.