
Does anybody have a website link to Moniquill Blackgoose's agent or such with a snail mail address where I can send fan mail? One of my kids who is interested in: dragons, chemistry, Norse culture, Native American culture, justice, and adventure is currently devouring _To Shape A Dragon's Breath_.
(I do not want her personal address. That is not a thing that should be shared on the internet at large. Nope nope nope. Hate mail is too easy.)
In olden times, we would write care of the publisher, whose address was more or less in the copyright statement.
I have done that in the past, but it sometimes has resulted in the author getting my letter several *years* later; if I could get hold of a PO Box or such that bypasses the publisher, I'd prefer it. I keep hearing about layoffs in the publishing industry; I expect their mail handling is worse now.
I once (in like, 1968?) asked a publisher if Cordwainer Smith was still alive; the publisher assured me he was fine... but it was after he'd died. Weird.
I believe I was in 7th grade by the time Anne McCaffrey got the letter I wrote her in 5th grade. I got a very nice letter back saying that she was sorry it had taken so long to reply. I still have that letter.
She was a really nice lady. My family had the privilege of having tea with her in 1996.
That's a good thought. I will try writing to her (*) and asking if she would be ok paying a message along to Moniquill. I prefer not to ask that anyone share addresses like that. Thanks! (*) Guessing pronouns based on name.