Extropic Crusader (BLM)

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Extropic Crusader (BLM)


She/they; SRE on hiatus: burnout sucks; writerish, doodles, plays with power tools and hot iron, bakes, drinks a LOT of tea.
EU folks! Skratch now has a Germany distribution center!
Skratch Labs | Sports Nutrition for endurance athletes | Europewww.skratchlabs.eu Skratch Labs is expert for sports nutrition for all endurance athletes. Natural ingredients, less sugar, more electrolytes, real fruit for flavour make Skratch Labs product feel and taste better and y...
Skratch isn't on Bluesky yet, which is a shame because they're the reason I do not currently have a dehydration headache after an hour of absolutely necessary but too fucking hot and sticky yardwork. If you can't get to the shed because of garden overgrowth, but you need your bike, get Skratch.
It is still disgustingly hot and humid here, but the person for whom I have been making the trips graced me with a *purr* this evening. She usually runs away from me! Have they been giving her antianxiety meds? I'll ask when her humans are back.
There is no love like a friend who walks over to feed someone else's cat when the temperature and the humidity are both the same number that starts with '8'. (Fahrenheit.) Ick. The cat is grateful, which I appreciate. She even let me pet her, which is unusual for her.
There is no love like a friend who walks over to feed someone else's cat when the temperature and the humidity are both the same number that starts with '8'. (Fahrenheit.) Ick. The cat is grateful, which I appreciate. She even let me pet her, which is unusual for her.
And this would be why what I do is bring my kid the article and say, "What makes sense, what's egregiously wrong, and what is not applicable?" Thus far, we seem to be doing ok.
I came to my 14 year old with a concern about social media. He literally took his glasses off, rubbed his temples, and asked: “what have the moms on the internet said now?” 😯🫤😆
If you have ever been able to go to the library and pick up the complete trilogy or duology or series of a book, spare a moment to thank everyone who read the first book, but the cliffhanger ending, and then sat "patiently" through the year-long wait that followed. 1/
I did not expect to spend the morning doing a server upgrade, but here we are then. One never really gets a choice about "when" when somebody comes up with a remote root exploit...
Most *white* Americans. There is no country on earth that imprisons more of its population than the US. Prisoners disproportionately Black. The US leads the world in child executions. Not a typo. Disproportionately Black. Life expectancy for US Black folk lower than for Uighur Chinese. Not a typo
Pretty much. What it mostly boils down to is that most Americans really don’t have the faintest idea what living under modern authoritarian regimes actually looks like, and how it’s often at the same time way more boring and way more scary than they’d imagined.
Someone has left toothpaste on the bathroom floor. Not the tube, just the paste. I'm aware that in the grand scheme of things, this is a very small annoyance. However. The sole of my right foot is absolutely convinced that this is the absolute grossest, ew ew ew ew!!! Feet are so irrational.
That banana that tasted weird last night has proven that it was rather more impressive than just "tasting weird." Unfortunately. :-/
Somebody at @npr.org was having a good laugh this morning. I approve.
I've never seen this before although it's apparently made the rounds quite a bit (as it should) and I am laughing so hard my lungs hurt. Screeeerch!
Done adulting for the day. All adult resources consumed, none left. Any and all adulting requests that come in will be ignored until tomorrow. Cannot even make tea, that's how done I am. Bleh.
Weather: The dew point and the temperature have been less than half a degree apart for much of the day and now we have a tornado warning. Could we just get it over with? Tea: I am too cranky and hot to make tea right now
There are a few people who are allowed shoes in my house, and all of them are people who have some form of mobility issue where taking off their shoes will result in massive pain for days after. (Two of them are here regularly enough that they leave a spare pair of shoes here. Because they're kind.)
if you get offended that i'm not allowing you to track new york city into my apartment i'm quite happy to let you keep the footwear on so you can walk elsewhere to go fuck yourself privately
Yes, you are *allowed* to use the chainsaw starting at 8am on Saturday morning, but really, did you ever consider whether you *should*? So much for sleeping in...
Does anybody have a website link to Moniquill Blackgoose's agent or such with a snail mail address where I can send fan mail? One of my kids who is interested in: dragons, chemistry, Norse culture, Native American culture, justice, and adventure is currently devouring _To Shape A Dragon's Breath_.
Wow I'm glad I'm on a different antidepressant! TIL that Wellbutrin is kryptonite for tea drinkers. Booooo!
Sooner or later I will internalize that NO, I cannot have iced black tea in the afternoon, it combines with Wellbutrin and gives me a nasty sense of Doomful Forboding. I know this. I have proved it repeatedly to my satisfaction. WHY do I keep thinking “Maybe this time will be different?”
Anyone who's got a bored 5 year old may want to check this out.
Have you ever wished there was a live feed of people using gravel and heavy machinery to stop molten lava from engulfing a power plant? Well, you are in luck, because here it is!
Vinna við að hemja hrauntaumana í beinni - RÚV.iswww.ruv.is Vefmyndavél RÚV beinist að Sýlingarfelli þar sem vinnuhópar halda aftur af hrauntungum sem leka yfir varnargarð. Búið er að ýta upp tveimur lægri görðum innan við.
Someday those kids are going to wrestle hard enough in the room above the dining room that the chandelier will fall off the ceiling. Today is (thankfully) not that day (so far). The thumping, however, has been pretty legendary.
“Satan is in Libraries” Well if he can provide photo ID with his current address then he is entitled to sign up for a library card. We also have other ways he can sign up if he is currently without identification
every encounter with the American health insurance system is a compelling case for single payer
Building a small prototype web service and building a large prototype web service are two completely different skill sets, and turning the small service into the large service is incredibly difficult if you didn't plan for it to happen. Doing it fast also means *years* of cleanup afterwards.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
I am so tired. We had gaming today and it was awesome and amazing and reminded me of all the things we have lost in the past 4 years that we will never get back and also I'm not a hero and I can't save the world. :-/ I mean, my Nethermancer can't either, but she's got a better shot at it than I do.
It is one of the kids "night to make dinner." Seeing as said kid has not gotten out of base-hexadecimal yet, this involves a lot of sous-cheffing on my part. However, kiddo put in excellent effort tonight and came up with a how-to-improve idea that will make it even better next time. Win!
I have now read _Ashes of the Sun_ by @djangowexler.bsky.social and I finished it after the library closed for the evening and so the soonest I could possibly get the sequel is probably Friday and I'm doooomed! (It starts a little slow, but once it gets going, it eats your face and won't let go. :-)