
Vote. Also knock on doors, volunteer for campaingns. Get involved locally. Go to meetings, work with others, make your own community safer, better, more organized. Know what's on school board agendas. Show up and comment. Give politicians a reason to know what you want, and why they should care.
And if you want to laugh in my face, IDGAF. But while you're laughing, try to remember this: We're in this situation because people on the other side spent 30-40 years doing that kind of thing.
Mike, I respect you but people have been voting, and will keep voting. But unless Republicans never win another election, eventually they’ll use the powers the Supreme Court is granting them. We need to take action to change the court. More specifically, elected Democrats need to take action.
You also vote at the city, county, and state elections. You vote in off elections, special elections, any time you can vote you do vote. That part Democrats fucking *suuuuuuuuuck* at. We vote for president and go home thinking our job here is done.
I’ve voted in every election since 1988 except for two off-year primary election with a single minor office like utility or hospital commissioner where I could not distinguish between the candidates. I guess I also skipped effectively unopposed presidential primaries in 2012 and this year.
When I hear “vote harder” it’s useless to me because I do that. It gives me nothing. And even when enough of the people who are unreliable do vote, without follow-through by officials after winning elections it goes to waste.
We're not under a dictatorship yet, despite the clear preference of almost half the country for one. That means my vote wasn't even remotely wasted.
Living to fight another day is a good principle but some days just staying out of the abyss is discouraging. We need small victories and we don’t get many.
The IRA was a larger-than-small victory. Biden's support for unions and student loan cancellations, and his various decriminalizations are small victories. I guess you said "we don't get many", and we'd be quibbling about how many is 'many'. He'd do more with a better congress, but we know that.