
well that's not an auspicious start
and now, the Horror Watch (Supreme Court opinions) begins
Gorsuch literally wrote, in almost those exact same words, "In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread."
With an extra dig at student protesters while he's at it!
Also, as a disabled persion with serious mobility challenges, Gorsuch can *fuck entirely off* with his "Those with physical disabilities report [encampments] can pose a special challenge for them, as they may lack the mobility to maneuver safely around the encampments."
Oh fuck him sideways. When there's someone with clear mental health issues lurching through the middle of a busy intersection while screaming at people, my own mental health issues don't need that dude /imprisoned/, I need him to get /useful well-funded help/.
I am thinking bitterly of the sententious claims various years back that anti-harassment policies at fan conventions were ableist because neurodivergent people just /couldn't help/ coming across as creepy or harassing to other attendees.
It's up there with "oh, I'm not anti-Muslim, I just suddenly care a lot about the rights of women and queer folks in this /very specific/ area (and nowhere else)!" and, okay, you know this particular song already. Lots of verses but the chorus stays the same.