
i was offered a last min date for bottom surgery. if i can raise the deposit money by July 2nd I can accept the date! please help a girl out 🙏
genuinely so close to reaching this initial goal wtf. not that it matters but the 2nd of october is my birthday and if i manage to snag this date i’m gonna flip the fuck out
we're now at the point where i believe this might actually happen??? $800 more and i can make the deposit
holy fuck it happened, i can reserve the date… sobbing. genuinely fucking sobbing rn
amazing things are now happening. 1) surgery now costs a lot less cause it will happen this year and with a different doctor (bit of extra risk for me cause Dr. Prae has only recently begun doing his own surgeries) 2) i’m able to schedule the date… which is my on my bday
i really cannot begin to thank people enough for helping me get this far. there’s still quite a lot left to raise but i have a date now which is huge, just absolutely huge 😭😭😭
I got an unexpected check yesterday and I randomly saw this post today. This seems like a great cause to support, esp during Pride month. Good luck hitting the deposit!
July 2 is my birthday, so I sent some money your way!! I hope you get bottom surgery for my birthday!! 🤞🤞🤞
I hope it isn't too forward of me, but is this email from a source you can separately verify, like with a phonecall? I've seen a lot of scams that prey on people with an urgent deadline and like to use the word kindly. I really hope you get your surgery, though!
it is, in fact, too forward and inappropriate 👍🏼 i am not giving more personal information to assuage the anxieties that i might be a scammer. trust me or don’t 🤷‍♀️
if you’d like to look up the Suporn clinic and the doctors on staff, by all means 👍🏼
I think their concern was not that you were a scammer, but the fear that someone was scamming you - if the email you screenshot came from something you could verify came from that clinic.
that’s possible and in that case i’m sorry for my response. in that case, yes, it was an email sent to me by the suporn clinic’s email (and i signed up to be on their last min list. just didn’t expect to get picked)
Yeah, wanted to make sure the offer being extended to you was not too good to be true, because that's a very fantastic opportunity! Sorry for the misunderstanding, wishing you only the best!
thank you for that… sorry for my initial response 😓 i’ve lowkey been stressed someone would accuse me of being a scammer so i had a bit of a knee-jerk response. but yeah the clinic is very reputable and this is all standard for them