
Our popular culture really does do a lot to reinforce the idea that an eye for an eye is actually great and works out awesome for everyone.
Metric tons worth of popular culture built around the idea that you can kill anyone you want if someone you love gets hurt. Almost nothing in popular culture about the downsides of murder sprees. Maybe not great.
Lowkey the most radical thing Spielberg ever did is hinge the personal story in Munich on the idea that giving in to a lust for violence makes you catastrophically bad in bed.
I need to watch that again. I saw it first as a young teen and was mostly distracted by my unexpected attraction to Eric Bana in 70s outfits.
I mean, whomst among us, tbh. But it's also surprisingly a very solid riposte to any arguments about sex scenes not serving a narrative purpose!
maybe that’s really why I became interested in the laws of war (No that’s not the reason but it’d be more funny if it was)
"Damn, better make sure I never end up with someone who's great in the sack until they engage in extrajudicial violence by getting VERY CLEAR about what comprises extrajudicial violence!"
tbf my partner has a very concrete grasp on IHL
There was a short period of time when Eric Bana was one of the most beautiful beings on planet earth. Munich and Troy were made during that time
Lots of stories only work if the credits roll at the right moment
Into the Woods has an entire second act based on this premise
Ironically, one of the few American films that does interrogate that is Munich
I do think that it's broadly a circumstance where it's important to understand the feelings of anger and hatred that violence generates, while using that to NOT give in to it, especially at a state level.
At a social level, I think it's really hard to work through how we can separate out the desire for revenge and understanding the consequences of being indulged in that desire, in a way that doesn't abandon the wronged.
What is justice without vengeance? I don't think it's always clear. But failing to ask the question often just leads to an indulgence of the desire for vengeance.
As "Genocide Joe" told the War Cabinet: Grief and rage are inevitable but they are not your best advisors. Best thing he's ever said. One of the best any POTUS ever said.
Would like to get the exact wording but have not found a transcript or YouTube of this key statement.
The existence and popularity of the death penalty feeds into that too.
an eye for an eye makes everyone blind
The people agreeing with kill all the darkies i note seem to have law professions claimed in profile. Just noticing