RonK, Seattle

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RonK, Seattle

Lighthouse in a fogged-up expanse.

Futures of democracy & discourse?

Climate's changing, billionaires are taking over, and we all have a brain the size of a walnut.
Greatly appreciate your efforts here, , fruitful or not. We airbnb ourselves into a haunted house, something goes bump in the night, we react by grabbing things off the walls -- good arguments and (mostly) bad -- and beating each other over the heads with them. So it goes.
There's a fundamental disconnect between people who watched the debate and saw it as viscerally disqualifying and people who saw a gifted politician having a very bad night. The two camps are going to have a very hard time reaching agreement on anything else about the race.
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
England's 1689 Bill of Rights a) established that the law restricted English kings & that kings' unfettered power threatened the polity; and b) formed the background for all colonial resistance to British rule from 1765 on. "Originalists" apparently reject this 334 y.o. legacy.
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
’tis true that we are in great danger, The greater therefore should our courage be.
Time to pass the torch ... keeping pitchforks in reserve.
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
Four old Jewish men are sitting in a cafe. “Oy,” says the first man. “Oy vey,” says the second man. “Oy vey iz mir,” says the third man. The fourth man snaps: “if you don’t stop talking about politics, I’m walking out!”
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
In addition to being a dishonest hack, Alito is just a bad judge (those are probably related). Below is a footnote from Alito's dissent in Moyle & Idaho v US (the emergency abortion case). Alito omits two parts of the statute, one of which is not even marked as missing in his opinion. 1/
Reminder: IF they have what it takes, House D's already have what it takes to vacate MAGA Mike. Update: CO-4 seat filled, magic number is 4. Harder than 3, but well within reach. Note: CMM at odds w Johnson&Scalise over career-capping bill.
GOP leaders deliver private warning to a powerful chair on her privacy Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) responded to the message, confirmed by two Republicans familiar with the matter, by announcing that she would advance the legislation anyway.
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
Let’s just give up and throw this on the bottom of bills when they’re signed into law.
The final SCOTUS decision today is Snyder v. US. Kavanaugh has the court's 6-3 decision on ideological grounds, holding that the Section 666 bribery statute does not apply to "gratuities" given for public officials' *past* acts. Jackson writes the liberals' dissent.
The TRUMP Commandments (1/2) Thou shalt not admit running a fake charity. Thou shalt not admit running a fake university. Thou shalt not admit colluding with Russia. Thou shalt not admit losing an election. Thou shalt not admit fomenting an insurrection.
The rule against mention of Trump's felonies is one more reason for House D's to replace the Speaker with a non-MAGA R. (They can, and should - improving trifecta chances & creating a nucleation site for anti-Trump/post-GOP organizing.)
Speaker Mike: Remove and Replace Johnson injured global security by delaying UKR aid; echoed Trump’s attacks on our legal system; damaged vital interests by naming clowns to HPSCI. We can’t do worse, can we? YES, WE CAN! Oddly, this gives House D’s the power to do much better. 🧵 1/16
On the House Floor, Republicans Gag Mentions of Trump’s During official proceedings of the G.O.P.-controlled chamber, speaking about former President Donald J. Trump’s felony conviction has been forbidden, while disparaging President Biden and Democrats is...
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
Related- when I did EMS cpr back in the mid 90s, there was a prompt to not start CPR on a body that was missing a head. I think about the chain of events that created that disclaimer quite a bit….
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
Rs: We gotta put biblical rules in schools Me: Holy shit! Like a debt jubilee every 7 years? Rs: Haha, no, not that one Me: like "you shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt"? Rs: Hahaha not that one either Me: so, uh, which rules exactly? Rs: Oh, you know the ones
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
/7 this concludes today’s Ken grumbles stories about things in another millennium before some of you ludicrous zygotes were even born.
Speaker Mike: Remove and Replace Johnson injured global security by delaying UKR aid; echoed Trump’s attacks on our legal system; damaged vital interests by naming clowns to HPSCI. We can’t do worse, can we? YES, WE CAN! Oddly, this gives House D’s the power to do much better. 🧵 1/16
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
The administration is making some real choices about messaging, but the New York Times printing easily disprovable lies over and over again is certainly not helping.
It is flatly, simply, and unequivocally untrue that Biden issued a near-total ban on asylum.
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
Smart stuff as always from John Ganz. "This is the key difference between Trumpism & traditional conservatism, which still paid lip service to minimal, formal universal mediums like the rule of law, citizenship, & the market. To Trump those words are just bullshit."
The Shadow of the Trump's Gangster Gemeinschaft
To all who celebrate ... Salut!
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
Just learned that I get to remove the "Associate" from my "Professor" title. Today, I celebrate! Tomorrow, I begin adjusting to the increased service load. :)
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
“Who is going to believe a con artist? Everyone, if he is good.” #AndyGriffith A Face in the Crowd (1957) poster Japan
DJT loses WA in any case, but this law has deep roots. Which states have similar? On judicial review: the Constitution defines POTUS quals, local tweaks get tossed, even poor old 14A fails for lack of razor-sharp teeth. Nice to dream - but beware what other states do if it works.
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
There is no justifying felons being disenfranchised if it’s also okay for felons to run for president.
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
new from me: So...if the 'N-word tape' really exists, we really do deserve to see it. I unpack the various ways that might happen — with a clear understanding that it would both be very difficult to pry loose and why it's still worth trying
Opinion | The rumored Trump 'N-word' tape could be an 'Access Hollywood' scandal A new essay from a former producer says there's video of Donald Trump saying the N-word during the show's first season.
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
It was a dark and Stormy night.
The world we got is a map of literal/figurative minefields. Of unthinkable reactions to unthinkable responses to unthinkable conditions, turtles all the way down. The 1,000 genocides /known/ to human history, pre-history and pre-human pre-history are presumably just the tip of the deathberg.
But that was not the world he got. Again: tragedy all round.
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
Here’s my Trump at LP convention wrap, as LP presidential candidate Chase Oliver takes the stage and denounces “the neocon war criminal” and “charlatan grifter” who just spoke
Trump promises Libertarians a cabinet slot — and clemency for a notorious drug In a highly unusual speech to a third party gathering, Trump offered to release Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht.
Reposted byAvatar RonK, Seattle
Hi lovely people! Would you mind boosting my Salish Sea marine science art? My contract job is going on an unexpected hiatus until sometime in July so I'd really appreciate the support. Here's some of the prints on the site: 🐙🦑🪼🌿🧪 #nudibranch #BSNM