
it is worth remembering that authoritarian regimes do not have infinite resources for hunting people down
Ppl need to remember that even totalitarian regimes have limited prosecutorial resources. China spends a gargantuan amount of money on internal security and it was only able to arrest a small portion of the COVID lockdown protesters who challenged its authority a little while ago.
Good thing we now have flawed, frequently-wrong tools to go through textual, audio, and video content and flag enemies for the state.
They don't even have infinite resources for hunting down foreign journalists who travel surreptitiously through their countries as tourists. And when they catch you, do your best to act like a stupid tourist and pay a fine. Though indeed facial-recognition technology has made it more complicated.
Unfortunately they don't have to find all the useless laptop leftists and liberals that won't actually do anything, they just have to cut off their leaders who do.
They have intelligence agencies that can ready every word you type and the location you typed it at.