
seriously - it becomes very, very obvious who’s actually dealt with modern fascist governments before and who hasn’t whenever these conversations happen
If you'll permit a shitpost that's really an opportunity for you to respond and clarify why I'm wrong, I'm going to ask it. Here's the shitpost question: So what you're saying is, if fascism is coming, comply in advance?
it’s not complying to avoid posting violent stuff online in public and to follow basic cybersecurity best practices, and it is in fact a good idea to do these things even when fascists aren’t in charge
that makes a lot more sense. Thank you.
She's just saying people should keep their violent direct action ideas off the Internet.
they/them pronouns if you don’t mind (and yes)
Oh I'm so sorry! I read you a lot. I should have checked. 🖤
I notice that you’ve been getting an awful lot of stick for recommending people take a little bit of care. Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the warning and deleted all my even borderline posts and reposts. I’ve probably got a file from eons ago and shouldn’t be borrowing extra trouble.
Few things are dumber than a "gotcha" that doesn't land.
you do realize I was explicitly saying the gotcha was *not* going to land - but it was what a reader might well be thinking - and I wanted to give Faine the opportunity to respond to it.
Sorry. It's just that saying "don't say things on social media that will attract trouble from the jackboots once they're in power" bears at least a little similarity to someone saying "make sure to comply in advance with the upcoming restrictions on freedom of expression".
No it doesn’t actually though
you should always avoid saying things in public online that might get the feds interested in you and that becomes even more important when dealing with fascist regimes
It’s more “you motherfuckers should stop taking notes on a criminal conspiracy”
A while back a Cracked writer wrote a hilarious book about how to win a fight with each president. He definitely got a visit from the secret service about his search history. He ended up writing the book about only the already deceased presidents.
John mulaney has a whole bit about an email he wrote jokingly asking if his friends wanted him to kill their landlord for them ended up in Discovery.
Daniel O'brien! I loved that book it was funny as hell
stop posting in the group chat named “all of our crimes”
Al, you are only making it hard for yourself which renders you practically useless in the future you shouldn't get yourself arrested for stupid shit, it just makes them easier to take you away
You wanna be a thorn in their side? Don't give them an easy W
Yes - that's the clarifying point; what they are saying is that making threats of violence is stupid under any circumstances, and more likely to be prosecuted under a jackboot. "Fools who run their mouths off end up dead" - Burr was, after all, not wrong.
if they are proper fash they will kill you anyway make sure they do it for something worthwhile and not just a dumb joke
The other part is that I'm heading towards becoming an old man, and presumably the jackboots would have to spend *some* resources per person they eliminate. If my little jibes here and there mean they pay attention to me instead of to an actual effective resister, then I performed some service.