
Ukraine did just demonstrate to the world just how fast a bunch of boring software developers can mobilize into a very deadly modern army if they’re sufficiently motivated.
It's the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg this morning, and as always, I'm reminded that one of the heroes was a mild-mannered professor of philosophy at a small liberal arts college.
Careful. Some Communists think "dead, white kids" is what Ukraine deserves for wanting to join NATO. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Fortunately we don’t really give a shit what communists want!!! 😉
I don't think anyone really knows what the US could do if pushed far enough -- our last real, back-to-the-wall existential war was WWII, and that ended with us dropping a small sun on our foes.
As a history nerd of that era, you start out as a kid looking at all the Nazi wonder weapons, and some of the amazing Japanese stuff (submarine aircraft carriers!), eventually you realize the Sherman was the best tank of the war, and the Allied super weapons were new categories, not merely better.
The atomic bomb was the only one that was better, and so radically more that it's still seen as totally different than conventional bombs. Breaking encryption, proximity fuses, logistics (US Army was fully palletized by 1943, Russia still isn't).
Short wavelength radar is another big one.
Nazis thought the Allies would need a port to invade across the channel, so they put effort into fortifying them. The Allies just brought their own, including a pipeline for fuel. So they didn't have to start with a major port.
I teach a six-week unit on WWII and one of the major take-aways is that the Allies, and especially the US, had more people, more money, and consequently, *more R&D*, and that while it took a while to spin that all up, once it was spinning the war was basically over.
It's crazy. The Sherman was the most survivable tank, and designed to be repaired in the field. It gets knocked out, odds are the crew survives, and can take their experience to their new tank, of which there was usually one ready.
It’s down to the scraps now I’m afraid. Ukraine is pulling inmates out of prisons to continue the fight vs the Russians. To end this war, they must be given armaments that can strike deep inside Russia.
USA wink wink nod nod would never underestimate the ranges on our artillery….
In your estimation are they as motivated now as they were at the start of this?
Uh, yes, they are still quite motivated to not be murdered and enslaved.
Apologize for my verbosity. It's the one subject in the news I follow obsessively, in minute detail; all things Ukraine.
The reason I ask is that from news reports I've seen, the enthusiastic Maidan-supporting group volunteered first, and few of them are left. Those who are have been fighting for 2.5 years and are exhausted. The replacements are people the press gangs have had to take off the streets by force. 1/
Additionally millions have fled the country and are remaining in other countries to the degree that the UA government is refusing to provide services to them such as passport renewal in an attempt to induce them to return to the country for military service. This combined with battlefield reversals2
may be having a detrimental effect on morale. Lastly, Zelensky has been giving interviews touting a settlement, saying they're running out of soldiers and have large numbers of wounded. These factors may be combining to sap the morale of remaining troops. /fin