File Jockey

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File Jockey

Educating the future? New Jerseyan in exile. I mostly talk about beer, foreign policy, and on very rare occasions, parenting and gender.
Thirded. I hold a terminal MA and have spent the last fifteen years in academic advising and public speaking roles. It's rare that a day goes by where I don't flub part of my talk, or have to work through a slight stammer on certain words/phrases.
Seconded. 39 with a PhD and a job that involves speaking in front of people with regularity. Easily several times a month I have classes where my speaking is flubbed, I stammer, I do word substitutions or weird syntax, or I freeze up trying to say something (always the most dreded).
Project 2025 has broken containment. I just saw it in the wild on a woodworkers reddit. Keep hitting them
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There is currently an ongoing knife-fight in various factions of childcare quacks whether having a bunch of colors or no colors at all is best for Baby, to which I reply: make sure the kid's loved, the rest sorts itself out.
This is the sign to hit them again on it, and this time even harder
They are officially worried about Project 2025 and freaked out about what happens if they get anchor to their fascist game plan
One thought on a way out of our current morass. Journalists and politicians should be forced to state "My behavior on social media represents more than me shitposting with my friends," about 100 times before they hit sent/post
Well, that was three miles in 36 minutes
When something like this pops up, it reminds me of having a discussion with my wife where she had students surprised that they might have to wear jeans rather than leggings at an Irish University
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
Longing for a world where there was enough focus on international issues to go around.
“The last time the people of Sudan faced a famine on today’s scale was in 1984. …The famine of 1984-85, which killed about 240,000 people across Sudan, most of them children, eventually became known as ‘Reagan’, after the US dispatch of food relief.”
Alex de Waal | Famine in On 27 June, the UN-accredited Integrated Phase Classification system for assessing food security (IPC) published a ‘...
It's super great that people with scant medical and cognitive training are doing diagnostics via the magic picture box. This shit was embarrassing when Bill Frost did it in 2006, why is it any less embarrassing in High Def?
This is absolutely the correct stance on old Ed, tbh
god I loathe Snowden
Oh, for a world where words still mean things. People do realize that Sundowning isn't the act of becoming a sundown town, or getting tired after dark, it's an actual medical term, with clinical definitions, right. This is like saying, "I'm British, and by British, I mean that I like Doctor Who."
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Public appearance number 8, for anyone counting
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So I just finally nuked my Twitter account
As an introvert, I've always been more comfortable sitting on the sidelines, but I've got a kid whose five and three nieces under the age of three. I'll be damned if I don't do what I can to help them live in a country better than the one we're in. (1/2)
Going into a Rockville Mattress Discount and tearing the tags off
Okay, folks, who is putting together the list of the funniest crimes that Biden should be committing between now and election day to highlight the absurdity of today's immunity ruling? Not the stuff like assassinations. Just stuff to make a point.
I believe the traditional gift is three collared shirts sewn together and a fifth of Wild Turkey in a Snapple bottle
Happy Steve Bannon Goes to Prison Day for all those who celebrate
I'm honestly sorry, but if you're using a picture of Joe McCarthy, a drunk who saw communists in his cornflakes because he was (a) drunk, (b) power-hungry, and (c) a lunatic, even ironically, I reserve the right to not trust you to park my car, let alone make clear headed political analysis.
Am I shocked that an author from Democracy Now! Wants Biden to step down. Not everyone's fourth-favorite public television news show staffed by bold leftist truth-tellers? Is Thom Hartmann gonna throw in the towel next?
This is the foreign policy/public policy version of "Merriam-Webster defines [term] as ....."
agreed, and also, as a sidenote, it's pretty weird to just throw portland oregon and portland maine out there like they're more or less the same
How many people watched it, rather than the social media freak-out?
i am convinced that a significant number turned it off before the halfway point
When I lived in Frankfurt, I spent all night drinking in the Number 1 American Bar, which looked almost identical to this.
Used to hang out here all the time when I lived in Paris 🇺🇸🦅🔫
My 1300 on the old GRE and three no-aid grade school acceptances probably exceed my C- in 20th century Irish history. In my defense it was originally a 4 in the German system
Let’s post them Terrible But Only For Blue Sky scores and grades. Like I got a B- in Econ for Social Welfare in grad school and tbh I think it was out of pity
This is just a post-Transformers The Movie figure. If I'm remembering correctly, it's Chromedome
oh my god there's a chinese knockoff of the cybertruck and somehow the cybertruck looks like a cheap knockoff of it
What's amazing is that this is generalizable to classrooms and workspaces as well. The culture of the organization is driven by the most unpleasant person who has a modicum of power. Now I'm wondering if anyone has tried to apply Gresham's Law to human resources.
You can tell who did and who did not moderate IRC/phpBB/whatever back in the day, because all of us who did learned the true shape of online group culture: your culture is the shittiest person you don't ban
Dean Cain or Kevin Sorbo
What actor would make the worst Bond-style spy? I feel like a lot of people would name a comedian because they’d be playing against type, but there have comic actors who came from a background in serious roles. Hmm.
Is there a word for the feeling you have when you go to nuke a social media account but decide not to b/c you see notes from people that you haven't spoken with in a decade?
The great thing about anxiety is that it can pop up at any time, utterly shaking everything right to the core. Good times, go me!
I've got 3:2, but I'm waiting to see what the late money does before I place my bet.
What are the odds Jackson Hinkle dies on the battlefield in Russia?