
The GOP are spiking the football before they’ve actually won in a way that we can absolutely use to our advantage.
One of the few things that gives me an ounce of hope is that they are endzone dancing months in advance of their possible federal gov takeover, which doesn't mean it won't happen, but that sort of thing does have a way of blowing up in peoples' faces. That said, it'll be a continuous fight anyway.
The DNC needs to make this election about everything *but* Trump. Abortion, contraception, SCOTUS, Harlan Crow, Heritage, 1/6. It will drive Trump nuts b/c he *needs* enemies. Vote for Biden to stop the full panoply of awful that is empowered by a Trump presidency. Wider appeal than just Biden.
Also, do ads with the actor who played Hodor. As Hodor.
A vote for Biden is a vote against awful... roll never ending video.
I still think Biden needs to make it clear they want to expel the foreign-born.