
American political journalists nowadays are so stunning provincial that they can’t even imagine an *extremely likely* reality in which a second Trump regime starts murdering them. They are the absolute last people who should want the U.S. to function like Putin’s Russia.
I used to at least weakly defend American political journalism, but that ship has fucking sailed. They are utterly dangerously stupid.
The NYT knew, before Khashoggi, and said nothing. They waited years to tell anyone that Trump had given foreign governments carte blanche to arrest US journalists.
the stupidity of journalists about this baffles me more than anyone else even the bootlickers on fox should be taking a real hard look at what happens to bootlicking journalists in authoritarian countries once they're deemed no longer useful or say one thing off script
Tyrants inevitably start by killing off brave truth-tellers who stand up for freedom and against tyranny, so I’m sure major media journalists will be safe.
The Trump regime will absolutely start whacking them on general principal.
You’d think that those who he referred to - over and over again - as “the enemy of the people” would realize he’d come for them first.
I'm always struck by how similar the project 2025 playbook is to Iran in particular. It's nominal democracy* *Absolutely rule by faith and the legal system
I wondered if some editors at certain publications might have plans of becoming mouthpieces for the new administration.
Unlike most policy stuff Trump finds tedious and boring, he cares a ton about how he looks in the media and on TV. Jesse Waters says one thing he finds a little off and he'll hang that dumb prick from the Brooklyn Bridge
The "liberal media" are out of touch with how deadly serious conservatives are
Most of them presumably know who Evan Gershkovich is and are aware that it's even more dangerous to be a Russian journalist in Russia than an American one.
No joke. All the street smarts of a cocker spaniel.