
We could be talking a lot more about how Trump is a rapist pedo.
You know, the guy made very public comments about underage girls on the Howard Stern show. Teenage pageant contestants complained about him coming into their dressing room. He's made unhinged comments in public about his own daughter. Frankly, there's plenty in plain view.
in 2016 I had comments removed from the Washington Post (which is very rare) where I called Trump a liar, thief, con artist, swindler, tax evader, money launderer, and rapist. In a couple of them I'd collated public comments he'd made lusting over Ivanka when she was a teen/pre-teen
One might almost suspect that part of the purpose of QAnon is to muddy, distract, deflect, and displace all that
Along with giving the entire topic a conspiracist tinge to keep “respectable” media away from it
And of course there's this
Been screaming about this since 2015. New Yorkers (I am, formerly) knew everything about him for decades before that (including Russia), which is why we all hated him (and still do) so much.
With obvious incestuous leanings
The ‘save the children’ pizzagate types really make me imagine committing violence at a level I’m not comfortable with.
Media owners who fund Trump’s campaign won’t touch this because it’s so toxic to Republicans. Just like Project 2025 which I’ve seen described as like Ebola. Trump’s association with it will end him. Most of the media is owned By Republicans primarily to influence elections
State Republicans extremism is undermining Congressional Republicans and Trump. They are at war with each other. Media attacks on Biden may be the tool they are using to cover it up. I agree about spending the word though. Project 2025 will end them. Thank you for the alert
Honestly we need billboards with "TRUMP IS A PEDO" on them. I think that's the only way some people can get it into their heads
Why isn’t anyone going after david pecker’s catch and kill vault?
Let's. Does this claim pass the sniff test? I'm not defending Trump, I just kinda want to establish a baseline. How credible is this overall as a starting point before we dive into it?
Yes it does, and also, I do not care.
Yeah, I'm familiar with court rules. I more meant is this a somewhat legitimate attorney or someone with a reputation for scams or in between, etc. The answer might be "we don't know." Has the claim survived a 12(b)(6) already?
I wish we'd lean/dig into the Epstein stuff more, but for some reason we have this deep national fear we might learn that like Bill Clinton, Malcom Gladwell, Chris Tucker, and so on, might be pedos too... Which like, (driest Daria voice possible) oh no........not them.........
He also like to talk about how cooperative the women in Russia were on the sex junkets he took over there. I forget the exact adjective he used.
We should do a smear campaign using the pedo stuff