
I really do hope that New York Times leadership are being forced to consider, possibly for the first time ever in their smug and odious lives, if they’ve really done fucked up this time I mean, when they’ve lost the Threads crowd…
I am kind of curious why reporters who cover the media beat aren’t trying to report out what’s going on in that newsroom right now. Maybe someone did and I missed it?
I hope that you are right, my fear is that just like our other "enemies" that they'll simply double-down and ride the debacle all the way to the site of the crash. Once we re-elect Biden we're likely to start to see transformational change that could see former institutions become irrelevant.
"the failing New York Times" riding on someone who calls your paper "enemy of the people" to boost your sales a second time, when the autocrat has NO guard rails or restrictions and is REALLY vengeful: maybe not such a hot idea. dumb. dumb. dumb.
per previous post: more seriously, -organized mass cancellation, literally and figuratively -organized mass Letter To The Editor -ad boycott. Longest shot, but I had hoped to hit up Sleeping Giants who did this for Fox News. seems they are out of business alas. -pondering-
Indeed. Thinking 🤔 If enough blue organize mass cancellation of enough places it can make a dent … Or it can be USED as a signal to far right for more propaganda. Either way, a revolution is coming. How it happens will depend on populous. I want peaceful resolution as I’ve seen enough bad. 🙏💜
apparently they’ve been getting utterly relentlessly bullied on threads of all places
Apparently the NYT denies that, says they didn't wimp out from Threads and they don't know what happened to their Threads account, which is now reportedly back.
I bet they’re lying as is traditional
I certainly don't give them any benefit of the doubt, but also the newspaper that very openly ended the role of the "Public Editor", got rid of the only person at paper paid to even pretend to care what their readers were thinking, doesn't seem likely to pay attention to hostile replies on Threads.
Oh, they probably should be paying attention when they’ve got a bunch of normie Democrats, the people who still give their sorry asses money, mad at them. It’s not specifically about Threads, but it’s an indicator they’ve pissed off a key audience.
99% bleed for 1% needs. I’ll scream that until humanity unites & demands they pay their fair share. Cause it’s obvious big money is placing controls on everything. AI will make it easier to brainwash the next generation while confusing the few who grew up prior to internet. We must unite soon.