
My fellow Americans, we have got to come together to scare these hos
This is also an indicator that many voters are just kind of checked out but DON’T want the far right to win, either - and they’ll turn out if they get spooked enough. We should remember this in the US
Someone earlier talked about Project 2025 being "fear mongering" and you know what, we need to be mongering some fear among our friends and families!
People used to think I was a pothead bc I am so laid back but I am legit terrified of Trump 2 and I let everyone know it Like being time warped to Germany 1932 .. like BRO IT GETS BAD DONT WEIMAR IT UP
We go Full Nazi, you think that, like, Scotland and Thailand are gonna invade and liberate? We go full Nazi, we fuckin STAY full Nazi
Full nazi with 1400 nukes Each one creates 300 sq miles of just fire. Melts everything. All the first responders are on fire too
Real 2016 vintage "You can't hold my vote hostage with the supreme court!" energy.
MY FREEDOMS! MY FREEDOMS! I HAVE RIGHTS!! Narrator: They then lost those freedoms and rights. Also see: anti vaxxers, only even more the "life" part of "life, liberty and happiness."
I think most on our side fail to understand how the right is using THE SAME LANGUAGE. Low-info Trump supporters I talk to say the same thing: we won’t have a country if Joe wins. The Dems are out to destroy the constitution. It’s so difficult to combat rote talking points they get from Fox, etc.
Not worth trying to sway trump supporters, but you could ask: 1) Debate Joe? That’s the guy you’re afraid of? 2) SCOTUS just gave Trump god power, is that constitutional?
I'm double-mongering to make up for you other slackers!
The removal of farm subsidies and government farm backed insurance should be plastered in every feed store & Tractor Supply in the country. If only Trump voters realized that their votes won’t spare them from P2025’s draconian cuts—their livelihoods are very much at stake
What else has the last month been?
France, I don’t think, has any experience with the far right denying it is the far right. I’m not sure what percentage of Americans think the far right is even a remote danger. Trump is going to be elected POTUS in a few months. Not because of Dems not showing up at the polls. He has the support.
We americans are also less engaged in politics. I don’t know if their media is undergoing the same issues of losing independent papers etc and how much Murdoch is there. They also have the history they all learn about the Nazis and Kings and I bet they all feel pretty strongly against them.
not Murdoch, but istr that France has a newish right wing tv channel/stream of some sort, and that the rise of wossface the young dude is connected to it.
It's definitely not a done deal. He may win, but more elections in the US are decided by turnout than theoretical support.
There's a point where I need Biden to get out there and scare these hos. No more "alley cat" or "cornpop," give me straight up dystopian fash nightmare shit of what happens when we don't vote for him. Lay in on it, keep laying in, and call the other dude the felon rapist he is, early and often.
This is how we dealt with the California recall and it can work here too
I phonebank in Pennsylvania, and I think people are pretty spooked by Biden’s maybe health crisis. Getting a lot more “gonna vote straight Dem” replies.
big time. Anecdotally, a lot of people I encounter have stuck their heads firmly in the sand from the news cycle. Doesn't necessarily mean they won't vote, they just can't deal with the toxicity anymore, and tbh I don't blame them. I myself tuned out for a good year and a half. Best era ever, RIP
We need to scare them into understanding they can't just enjoy a game and some beers if they keep electing the GOP, plus those fuckers gonna steal their overtime.