
I hadn't heard anything about the story until I got to work at the TV station that afternoon. I'm walking into the newsroom with one of my work buddies and we both look up and go, "Hey! The Mooninites!"
Incredible. When I worked at a News Station, nothing that funny ever happened in our coverage.
Funniest thing that happened was I was stage manager the day Gerald Ford died. Right before our 5 o'clock evening show we were talking about the SNL sketch where Tom Brokaw is recording all possible stories before going on vacation. Anyway...
I go to cue the anchor, and the first line in the script was like just out of the sketch, "Gerald Ford dead today..." I had to run to the other side of studio, because I knew if he and I so much as looked at each other, you would have heard nothing but the snortiest laughter from us.
The funniest thing that happened with me was, the day Burt Reynolds died, I was running graphics, and somehow neither me nor the producer noticed that the chyron said "RIP BUTT REYNOLDS" before we went on air. (Same Producer who thinks dinosaurs never existed because they're too big.)
One of our producers added a story about a polar bear named Knut, but accidentally spelled it as 'Kunt' in the chyron.
dinos are to big to live on earth now, its almost like the climate and atmosphere have drastically changed since the time
dinosaurs are really big though
He ripped butt right near an open flame, causing the fire that killed him.
This memory was locked away. What fun we had.
A delightful time was had by some.
NEVER FORGET God that was so surreal
When I say your name, just make any noise, and I will take that to mean “here I am. Rock you like a hurricane”
Love how Boston tweaks out & LA and Philly just say "meh".
So they literally were so on guard for this that they jumped on the first thing and it was this. I stopped saying it after the Boston Marathon Bombing, but there was this weird vibe where a lot of people WANTED something to happen that I still don't understand.
Small preface was there only in the poor part of town w/first emotionally abusive/groomer girlfriend. But I lived on Cape cod at the time. After 9-11...yes Im going there many in near Boston were CONVINCED they were next. Because they assumed they are the biggest city and would have to
There are a lot of amazing people I've met living here, but hoo boy, I don't know if I'm just lucky or just the towns I've lived in, but some of there are pre bent lik Uri Gelller spoons.
To be fair, the 9/11 planes coming from Boston really did a number on the town and it's hard to fully blame them And we also did in fact eventually get our own horrific terrorist attack
I remember very clearly some Extremely Online people making awful jokes about The Mooninites coming back with a vengeance like moments after the Boston Bombing happened.
Yea, once there is someone hurt or worse, funny time joke hour goes away.
Oh No. the mooninites thing was hilarious but the marathon bombing was awful.
Yeah, it always creeped me out that they made those jokes in the aftermath
Yea, I could get being afraid, but tourist on the Cape talked like they thought we were "owed" one which was the part that really came off as weird and off-putting. Not all, obviously, but a concerning and constant amount.
Betting some of the "missing" ones from Philly ended up in the Delaware.
“Bergman concluded: "That this occurred in Boston, home to Harvard, MIT, & other famous schools of learning, is embarrassing." Yeh like Duh 😹😹🤦‍♀️😹😹
It's always a treat when others realize Harvard seems to churn out a disproportionate amount of utter idiots
Not to forget an irreducible fraction of utter loons.
Did you mean “faction”? Because that’s how I read it And agreed with a reskeet 🤙🏼
Also "faction" kills my word-play.
Why would I mean "faction" which implies a level of organization classist lunatics rarely exhibit?
Ok, Gotcha Just that … it’s quite a lot larger than a fraction imho 😼
i was only 10 so i didn't know about it
I'm glad I could help u learn about one of the funniest things Adult Swim ever did.
Am I reading that right that Cartoon Network had to pay $2 Million to the police department/homeland security because of this? I remember this happening, but didn't hear about the aftermath, it's wild to think that CN/Turner had to pay out for the police dept's incompetence.
I remember that, at the time, the owners of Adult Swim swore they'd never release another movie because of the incident, but here we are with another Aqua Teen Movie and a Venture Bros. finale movie.
I'm so glad Venture Bros got a chance to at least cap off the story, after leaving off on a cliffhanger S7 ending. As my favorite show of all time, I'm still upset over how they treated Venture Bros, while pulling out all the stops for stuff like Rick and Morty. =/