Fix Your Heart or Die.

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Fix Your Heart or Die.

He/him | Pansexual/nebulously queer; cis | ADHD, autism, the depression, complicated feelings about stuff. | TTRPG thinks, media obsessions. Basic nerd shit, I dunno.

Probably not helping, if we're being honest.
Going Merry TF-crossover! Whoo-hoo! Finally got the idea out there :D
or like how many leaders of leftist movements were straight up assassinated and it turn out that can work for a while
I sometimes see people discuss the American left as being intrinsically self-sabotaging, and it feels like any discussion that doesn't factor in the extent to which the mainstream reflexively shuts out and frequently actively crushes leftist activism is wilfully naive.
Here is wisdom.
I dunno maybe stop forming weird cults around folks whose careers are all too often shaped by frustrated ego and insecurity.
"Separate art from the artist" Nobody who talks about it ever makes a point to forget who does the art they like. To really separate them, forget that you have a favorite actor, writer, penciler, inker, letterer, composer, etc., discover all things perpetually anew.
I just interviewed the three academics who wrote this paper and it was the most fun I've had on an interview. Next week on Better Offline - ChatGPT is Bullshit
thinking up an elaborate sequel to the three little pigs where they keep the wolf’s skull as an object of veneration and propitiate its spirit with offerings and begin to have ritual wolf hunts and soon the wolf cult is spread throughout the land also the bears do the same thing with blonds
Reading this Big Two Comic, where there's a grassroots protest with class warfare rhetoric and a left political basis. Damn, I hope the leader isn't just a supervillain in disguise, using left rhetoric for his own ends. ...ah. well. Nevertheless
Love the way our for-profit medical system leads both to people being denied care they need to protect the bottom line *and* people having "care" they don't need violently forced upon them to protect the bottom line. "Greatest health care system in the world."
I don’t mean more like “before you had none.” I mean more like and still more
To go forward engaging more critically is perhaps how you can stay in love with the world
Art Feather Bumblebee An early third party offering. Based on Classics Bumblebee but re-engineered to convert into a VW Beetle. He sports chrome and rubber wheels and reminds me of a premium 80s toy. The QC is otherwise poor and will require me to fix. #transformers
Sense8 also makes perfect Wrath Month watching, believe you me
Starting a Sense8 rewatch here at the tail end of pride is a better use of your time
Meditating on’s excellent thread on “separate the art from the artist” litanies, and realizing that those arguments are actually demanding that the art excuse the artist. It’s never just “he’s a shit but I still like(d) that thing quite a bit, but I’m done with them now.”
When the generative AI bubble bursts, big tech will be sitting on acres of unused data centers, and have burned billions of dollars building our the infrastructure for a movement that isn't making anyone money and doesn't fix big, important problems.
the best advice! Don't be foolish
do i have advice? yes. every unspoken word has a shadow, your identity grows atop its surface like a cosmic fruit — this is the dwelling of your ancestral spirits... leave a shot of rum on your altars for them & it'll work wonders for your fate. you can apply this to your writing but thats foolish.
Catch up chapter by chapter at the links above OR page by page right here~
Lil break before Wolf Story ch 4 🪓🐺💜
Don't normally shill for software developers, but if you resent paying Adobe ridiculous prices for a subscription to their creative suite, I find this a pretty handy alternative; and it's no subscription, and you can have a 6-month no-obligation trial with no card.
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of course he did
Eric Adams opened this morning’s press conference by rolling a garbage bin up to the podium, placing a bag of trash in it, and saying “welcome to our trash revolution” while Empire State of Mind played in the background
it's a shame he took such a heel turn on so many issues because when he is on the mark, he's exactly what the Dems need more of in terms of messaging
"Someone might undo telecomm and media deregulation!"
The sheer panic American mainstream media is treating the French elections with makes me curious about what, exactly, they're worried about. We have a first past the post system and a center right and far right party. It's not replicable here.
Chapter four starting tomorrow~ How do you act with someone after you dreamt about them? Normally, of course
Wolf Story chapter three: everybody dreams about shagging, except Mollie, who’s a minor (she dreams about pride rock)
Designing TTRPG enemies to be player-facing is a curious thing and really affects design. Just trying to simplify everything without totally shitting on ways to give different kinds of baddies flavor. You want a "boss" encounter to feel different than a bunch of mooks, after all. Still. Curious.
I did an interview with CanvasRebel!!! 😃😃😃😃😃😃 What a lovely time! Please check it out to LEARN MORE ABOUT MY BADASS AND YET ULTIMATELY DEBILITATINGLY NEUROTIC SELF!!! 😎😎😎