
Self-described libertarians have been explaining to me on Facebook how my criticism of a Supreme Court ruling that puts the most powerful government official in the world above the law is proof that I'm no longer a libertarian.
A True Libertarian would believe that everyone is above the law, including the president
US libertarians on the whole have always been crypto authoritarians, in my experience. There are exceptions, but drowned out by the howling mob.
"Crypto" as in "hidden", although the other kind also exists in abundance.
I forget who said it (possibly the existential comics guy) but someone said "libertarians are just authoritarians who haven't found a preferred dictator yet"
or republicans who want to smoke weed
That’s always been mine: libertarians are just Republicans who like weed. They purport to stand outside of the party system but, when it’s time to put an X in a box, they always seem to find comfort with the Republican candidate.
“my girlfriend shouldn’t have to sit in a car seat” was always the one that stuck with me some of these people know way too much about age of consent laws
Lol. Had to read that twice.