
What in the blue fuck is the word “oligarchy” doing in here to mean “group of trusted advisers and friends”? My god, get a fucking grip.
This is rubbish. They are implying Biden thinks the debate may have destroyed his chance of re-election? Because there is no way he's "talking it over with his family" about running. That decision was made last year.
Behind the Curtain: Biden oligarchy will decide The president engaged in no organized process outside his family in deciding to run for a second term.
"This decades-long kitchen cabinet operates as an extended family, council of elders and governing oligarchy." That's not what those words mean. That's not true, Ellen.
“Governing oligarchy” has a literal meaning and it’s not this. What a crock of horseshit.
I am on the record as saying I think handing the keys to the Oval Office over to Harris will be less painless and perhaps more beneficial than many think, but I think the mainstream press is absolutely showing that they can't be trusted to aid her, either.
Oh of course not. As someone elsewhere noted, if Biden steps aside for Harris, news media will almost certainly turn around and ratchet up the “Dems in sheer panic!!” coverage. They’re in feeding frenzy mode & its once again an indictment of how rotten the whole fucking industry is
They will shiv her before Joe hands over the mic.
oligarchy is when someone other than me makes decisions and the less i like the decisions the oligarchier it is