
These are the stakes. This is one of the premier organs of “intellectual conservatism,” and they see the immunity ruling as transformative and revolutionary, and they are signaling the willingness to do violence to defend their gains. Make everyone you know understand these stakes.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
There is a lot of cleanup work to be done and one election won’t do it. But winning that one election is necessary to being able to do any of the rest of it. This guy wants to tell us we can avoid him spilling our blood by rolling over and taking it. Fuck that.
These guys are doing this because they know we can beat them. They want to get us to give up before we even try because they’re piss-scared that this is their only chance.
They can do a lot of damage, and they have done a lot of damage, but they can be beaten. This stuff they want to do is not popular. If you’re wary about Biden, or if somebody else you don’t prefer winds up on the ticket, just think of it as voting to fight another day.
It’s hard to try, and risk failure. It’s hard to put yourself out there and easier to retreat to a cynicism that masquerades as wisdom. But that cynicism isn’t true if you decide it’s not.
We do need to point out that they already made it bloody four years ago, it's the same ongoing coup and they already decided that violence is acceptable to meet their goals.
“In Your Guts, You Know He's Nuts.”
Man right now would be a great time to be 100% unified against this stuff.
Your post just reminded me that the intellectuals in the Nazi party thought they could control Hitler to gain power
Yes, and I've frequently thought on how Heritage will likely be one of the first up against the wall if and when the forces they've enabled truly take full control. Like, do they actually think you can boss around and contain something like that? Do they think they will respond kindly to orders?
The eventual and inevitable downfall of Leonard Leo will 100% come at the hands of fellow conservatives and the folks he's empowered. I have total confidence that that's going to be how this goes down, sooner or later.
Open sedition. Arrest these mfers