Filip Hajdar Drnovšek Zorko

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Filip Hajdar Drnovšek Zorko

writer. fiction in Clarkesworld, Strange Horizons, Lightspeed + others. associate editor at Escape Pod. Clarion West '19. #1 lurantis fan. he-ish.
Hugo award for Strange Horizons NOW (please)
This is the last week of Hugo Award voting and we would like you to consider Strange Horizons for Best Semiprozine. For over 20 years, Strange Horizons has been publishing weekly issues filled with new stories, poems and non-fiction. Here are some more reasons you should vote for us below!
Lmao yes. For the record, I have zero degrees, never mind an MFA, and in fact, only just barely passed my G.C.E. Advanced Levels ("high school graduation" in American.) Also zero writing workshops. I mention this regularly for the people like my younger self who worry about the lack of these things
Yowza. This sort of gatekeeping is horseshit. <---also has no MFA
This is the last week of Hugo Award voting and we would like you to consider Strange Horizons for Best Semiprozine. For over 20 years, Strange Horizons has been publishing weekly issues filled with new stories, poems and non-fiction. Here are some more reasons you should vote for us below!
top three book tbh. top three of what? yes.
2016: A Taste of Honey by Kai Ashante Wilson. An absolute jewel of a novella. Two men fall in love, one of them is from a homophobic society. What happens next? Hard to say more w/o heavy spoilers, but a wonderful meditation on the unequal nature of duty & sacrifice.
I love Kai Ashante Wilson's work so much, it has been SO LONG since we had a new book I'm dying
2016: A Taste of Honey by Kai Ashante Wilson. An absolute jewel of a novella. Two men fall in love, one of them is from a homophobic society. What happens next? Hard to say more w/o heavy spoilers, but a wonderful meditation on the unequal nature of duty & sacrifice.
two down!
Absolutely delighted to say that THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS has won the Locus Award for first novel! Thank you so much everyone!
“barbie” on this graphic is sending me
Congratulations to all the winners of the 59th Annual Nebula Awards!
one down!
me waking up slowly, still nursing yesterday's migraine: oh let me just take a big sip of water and check my phone there's an hours-old missed call and a text message from a friend back home. it says: wake up motherfucker you just won the nebula
The Saint of Bright Doors wins the THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS wins the Nebula Award!
Truly amazing to see the Nebulas open with a tremendously comprehensive land acknowledgment, which I applaud, & hold in stark contrast to SFWA’s truly astonishing commitment to saying not one fucking thing about Palestine in 8 months, BUT ALSO GAILEY IS TOASTING & WEARING A KEFFIYEH WHAT A BABE
hades II doing a great job motivating me to play well so I can see my girl eris
the best thing about shogun is that it’s making a bunch of people think about translation and interpretation who might not otherwise think about those things
there is nothing this show doesn't have. ships. TWO messy poly relationships. enough monologues to satisfy even mike flanagan. ships (the other kind). increasingly out of place references to treasure island. an all-time top three opening sequence. did I mention the monologues.
Happy #BlackSails Day! the best show of our time is now on Netflix, as of today! it is the greatest show. it's so gay. there are so many boats. I cannot believe this, the gayest shit I have ever seen in my life, got four seasons.
We're very excited to announce our Six-Week Workshop Class of 2024! Can't wait to meet them all this summer!
It’s been a weird thing to see mentions of Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination lately in North American media contexts without any mention of who assassinated him so just in case the median reader doesn’t know
really happy to see Chants of Sennaar and Dredge on the ballot as well. BG3 is gonna win, guaranteed, but boy would I love an upset in this category. and, of course, Strange Horizons STILL hasn't won a Hugo. it was agonisingly close last year. maybe this year?
on this blessed occasion I want to implore you all to read and ideally vote for THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS, a contender for the best novel I've ever read, at turns hilarious and poignant, always fascinating, and with a protagonist who is the very definition of Trying His Best (and mostly failing)
ok I know it's getting silly now but last one, I promise: so THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS is! also! nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Novel. this has been a bizarre month and I have expired
The Saint of Bright Doors is a Hugo Award The Saint of Bright Doors is a Hugo Award Finalist!
this. my writing doesn’t start with a character, it starts with a relationship.
My secret as a writer is that I'm much less interested in one person's character development than in the shifting dynamic between two different people who have a complicated relationship
the author of the acacia seeds, paradises lost, a fisherman of the inland sea, unchosen love, mountain ways, the matter of seggri, the fliers of gy, the day before the revolution, the silence of the asonu, anddd.... the word for world is forest is a novella, can I get away with including it?
ten ursula k le guin stories I wish y'all would read and talk about instead of retreading omelas for the 3857th time
I hope that those of you who know that Israel is perpetrating a genocide before all of our eyes will never stop saying so. I hope that you will wake up saying this truth and go to bed repeating the same truth. Do it over and over and over and over and over again.
Ooh, this is a brilliant essay. I'm a linguist and English/Finnish bilingual - and as such have a LOT of thoughts about SFF linguistic worldbuilding - and got a lot of new thoughts churning in me. Refreshing angles and intriguing solutions! Ugh I love thinking about language
HEY FELLOW LANGUAGE NERDS! Twas a joy to get to chat with while he wrote this -- Filip's thoughts on language are deep & wonderful & this piece is a beautiful exploration Add it to your SFF ling canon alongside
a little late with the promo but I have an essay in this month's Uncanny, which came about when I was procrastinating on working on my novel, the message I am taking away from this is to procrastinate as much as possible, anyway check it out if you like musings about fictional languages!