Finn Longman

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Finn Longman

Author (THE BUTTERFLY ASSASSIN trilogy; THE WOLF AND HIS KING) and medievalist specialising in the Ulster Cycle. #1 fan of Láeg mac Ríangabra.

they/them | siad/iad
Man. The absolute state of my inbox after three weeks away and one week with COVID. I made a start on it today, but if you're expecting a reply from me imminently, please be aware that I have literally hundreds of unread emails glaring at me right now.
Out now! Eventually I might even make some new posts about it instead of just recycling old ones!
What to expect from Moth to a Flame Full details/pre-order links:
Realised I pretty much hadn't posted about my books since the third one came out in May, so, here's a reminder that my no-romance all-murder YA trilogy is out now and you should definitely buy it 👍
You can find all information, buy links, content warnings etc for the books on my website: This trilogy of YA thrillers contains no romance, a lot of violence, some intense and heartbreaking friendships, and a lot of critique of the military and the arms industry. I write both YA and Adult fiction, with two books published and four forthcoming. You can find more information about most of my books on their dedicated pages — use the dropdown menu or clic…
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If you add this labeller: You will see little pronoun tags above people's posts if they are also subscribed. No more accidental slip ups! You can then set your pronouns, or set it to "check profile" (I don't see the value in that personally but to each xir own)
Brainfog has receded enough to be able to read in Irish again, at least a little. Writing down useful phrases for future reference, among them: "mura bhfuil tada ar eolas agam ní thig liom tada a rá" (if I don't know anything, I can't say anything); "coinnigh do bhéal dúnta" (keep your mouth shut)
Today's COVID test only shows a very faint line, so I reckon I'll be clear by the end of the weekend – definitely a milder infection than last time (when I had a solid week of testing strongly positive despite not being able to test until several days after symptoms started).
Having COVID is incredibly boring, especially as I can't concentrate on reading so I just end up doomscrolling endlessly. But I curate my social media too vigorously for there to actually be that much to doomscroll, so then I just get bored and keep refreshing the same things again and again.
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This seems like a good time to introduce everyone to Bobby WaffleCone
Might be making progress 👀 They can't make any promises but they are *talking* to the relevant libraries about making some of this material more easily available...
Radicalised by discovering that essentially all Irish-language material received by the University Library is considered insufficiently relevant to keep on open shelves and gets automatically moved to non-borrowable storage, including grammar textbooks. Writing grumpy emails about it now.
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Thread of COOL BUGS from my yard Notes: I am not good at ID, easily confused, and am not a photographer. This is for fun because I love the beautiful complex relationships between plants and wildlife! Okay first is a Hummingbird Clearwing moth (hemaris thysbe) appreciation post because I LOVE THEM
Radicalised by discovering that essentially all Irish-language material received by the University Library is considered insufficiently relevant to keep on open shelves and gets automatically moved to non-borrowable storage, including grammar textbooks. Writing grumpy emails about it now.
This is the best proof I've got that I'm not a vampire. Look: outdoors! In running water! On a sunny day! Now let's ignore the part where I'm so pale I practically glow in the dark and we'll almost be able to forget about the severe garlic intolerance and very delayed sleep phase 👍
If I label this "self discovery" we can pretend it's about the joy of being yourself in the ocean and not about the realisation that you've got a deeply weird sternum and never knew it until now
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"Nobody ever snogs a dragon in the Ulster Cycle" incorrect
If I label this "self discovery" we can pretend it's about the joy of being yourself in the ocean and not about the realisation that you've got a deeply weird sternum and never knew it until now
How I spent every night in Donegal. (Alas, the mask did not protect me.)
Gleann Cholm Cille, Co. Donegal is so pretty that I can almost forgive it for giving me COVID for the second time. Almost.
Oh, if you were the restless sea, and I the steadfast stones Oh, you the waving kelp above, I the bleaching bones Your little waves to lap my feet Advance and kiss, encroach, retreat Surround, submerge, at last complete Oh, you and I truly one (Via Extasia, Daoirí Farrell)
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Big News in these unprecedented times: no one loves Rigatoni more than Fox does
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I have decided the most constructive thing I can do today on social media is share a hedgehog photo.
Just tried to lenite the f in the word "trashfire" because obviously it's a compound word so that would be necessary. Trashfhire.
I hate when people censor words l*ke th*s and you have to add every possible variant to your mute list if you want your mute list to remain even vaguely functional. Please just write it out.
Best typo I've seen today: "subscription screaming service". Just about sums up the state of things, doesn't it.
Today I learned that jazz bodhrán is something one can theoretically play. By playing it. Also blues bodhrán. And rock bodhrán. Really, just give me music and I'll whack a dead goat with a stick to it.
I'm not saying skinny dipping in the ocean in Donegal is the best way to process political feelings. Or even a good way. But it slaps, so
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If your area got a new Labour MP then it is your duty to email them and say that you are happy the Tories are out but that transphobia should have no place in the party. Make Starmer gently walk back his support for Rowling's position!
Emailed my local Labour candidate. We're a swing seat. Let's at least let them hear from us.
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I am excited to see the Tories get obliterated today but I would be significantly more excited if Labour hadn’t made a hard turn into TERFdom the trans people of the UK deserve so much better
1) No, this was not the official title of my paper. 2) Yes, this WAS my final slide.
I presented my paper on "popa" in different recensions of Táin Bó Cúailnge at the Ulidia 7 conference today and it went really well! Sparked some lovely conversations. I was worried it was too niche, but it seems I pitched it just right: specific and focused but with many jumping off points :)
I did use the phrase "special little guy" about Láeg in front of everyone at Ulidia earlier too. I've got to stop doing this. My academic vocabulary has been irreparably warped by doing most of my public-facing academia on Tumblr specifically.
The entire argument of this paper was "allow me to introduce you to my special little guy, Láeg mac Ríangabra" with no real further point to make than that, so, frankly, I think I nailed it. (Pick one per column -- although you can pick multiple options in the last column, they're stackable)
I presented my paper on "popa" in different recensions of Táin Bó Cúailnge at the Ulidia 7 conference today and it went really well! Sparked some lovely conversations. I was worried it was too niche, but it seems I pitched it just right: specific and focused but with many jumping off points :)
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obviously take into account tactical voting for your area but if like me you live in an area that doesn't have a clear tactical choice, you might find useful. i did! in particularly i found it VERY illuminating to see what parties' policies actually ARE on different issues...
2024 general election survey - Vote for Not sure who to vote for? Compare promises without seeing which party they belong to. Vote with confidence in the 2024 general election.