
One of the funny things with pundits being alarmed about Biden being old and not making decisions is that it implicitly suggests that when Trump was president he was looking over dossiers and intelligence briefings and not just watching old episodes of Baywatch
remember when he was in walter reed with covid and they showed pics of him “working” and he was just writing his name real big with a sharpie on a blank piece of paper
incredible that they even put a little “sign here” flag on it
And not where he actually signed
Yet another reason Trump is unqualified (failure to use a fountain pen in circumstances where decorum would call for it)
They really loved blank pieces of paper. Didn’t they have some giant health plan that was a thousand pages or something and when a person opened it up it was blank paper like some Lionel Hutz scam
Just before he was inaugurated he had a press conference with binders of all the documents about the trust he was putting his business into and they were all clearly blank paper taken directly out of the wrapper and stuck in folders
Reminds me of the whole "Mussolini leaves the lights on in his office overnight so people can look up from the piazza and think he's working for them at all hours" bit.