
Honestly, I'll stick with listening to the kids, teachers, librarians. If I start listening to the industry, I'm done for. #kidlitchat
TOPIC: The publishing industry changes daily, it seems. What are the most reliable sources for information on the currents and eddies that can affect how you navigate your creative career--publications? professional panels? best-seller lists? #kidlitchat
Kids, teachers, and librarians are my favorite people to listen to when deciding which of my ideas to work on next. (What do they wish they saw on the shelves?) Once a manuscript is complete/polished, I look at recent deals to see which one I should send out into the world. #KidLitChat
Really love that way of looking at it! Less like "what's the trend" and more like "what are folks craving / what gap could I maybe fill" sort of, that's so smart. It's so easy to get caught up in the questions of what will resonate with who and when!! #kidlitchat
It's impossible to follow trends successfully, because by the time it becomes a trend, publishing has moved on (they have to stay ahead since publishing a book takes so long!) But if you pay attention to what the readers crave, you can be ahead of the game. :) #KidLitChat
100% agree with your advice NOT to chase trends. #kidlitchat
Trends are the worst. Everything ends up looking the same for a while. #kidlitchat
I’m so pleased to see so many agreeing with this! #kidlitchat
Would this particular book be an example of chasing trends? This is clearly inspired by the reality talent show craze, a very specific show to be exact. This was published when the UK original was on it's slow ratings decline, and the American version just got canceled. #kidlitchat
Bonus points for writing the books that *YOU* want to read! It's helpful since you'll be reading multiple drafts of it #kidlitchat
Yes! All of the manuscripts I write fill spaces that I wished I had books to fill when I was young. They soothe the part of me that's still young and full of wide-eyed wonder. #KidLitChat
I have heard this same thing a few times before...write the books you want to read with your kids. Such a good idea! #kidlitchat
I’m trying to write books that my inner 11 year old wants to read. #kidlitchat
Yes! I've found a lot of delight in writing the books that my middle school self would have gobbled up. #kidlitchat
Someone here just today posted that their book is in process and has a 2025 release date!
I’ve started subbing at a local elementary school, and I was surprised to see what books they’re trying to tie into lessons. Great books, but a stretch to tie some to science and SS lessons. I’ve heard talk about using the standards to find gaps and needs, but experienced that directly as a sub.
One of my favorite author presentations was when I was asked to speak about my fractured fairy tale picture book to a high school economics class! We talked about how my princess (who wanted a frog but kept kissing them goodnight...) had a SHORTAGE of frogs & a SURPLUS of princes! :) #KidLitChat
I love that use of your book! 🥰 Still have our copy and the buttons you sent my daughter when she was little.
It was so fun!! And I brought in lots of other favorite picture books to tie into other economic principles. Some newer titles and some old favorites that the students all remembered reading when they were little. You'd be surprised at the connections you find when you look #KidLitChat
Oh, what a fascinating look right into what might be missing from the market at the moment, that's super interesting! Really shows that no matter how many books there currently are there is always room for different stories and lessons and subjects! #kidlitchat
Yep! First heard this idea at a conference, but confirmed in my subbing days, and off to the standards I went!
Since I retired from teaching middle school, I no longer have my finger on the pulse on the regular.
Do you visit for events and bookfairs? That might help. The junior high librarian and I help each other from time to time. Whenever I’m in the building with the “big kids” I ask them for book reqs.
I haven't been back in the building at all, but I did do a classroom event for a teacher friend in another district I taught in. :-)
I kind of love that my audience on TikTok is made up of a lot of teachers, librarians, and young folks. I look at their posts and see what books they're talking about and what they're missing. Who knows what will happen with the TikTok ban...but for now, it's a great resource! #KidLitChat
Writing is hard enough! When I get an idea, I go for it.