n. s. morte

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n. s. morte


blood tastes good
moss is a perfect bed
all animals have a purpose
dance in the rain
33 | nb | it/they (she only for friends)
no minors, will block
i ruminate on shit here dont @ me
dissociation i think is about to happen, i can feel the frays the glue that holds the shatters together is melting and letting the shards slip from each other im not sure i can hold it together , but oh well, right ? what else is new
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I don't usually post stuff from bird app, but I just found out webcartoonist/animator Kyle Carrozza was arrested for child pornography.
i see a lot of night ppl sufferin working morning jobs and i see a lot of morning people sufferin working night jobs and im just like .............. damn i was hired for an overnight gig and while manic it was ok but otherwise i wanted 2 die until 4 am hit and i was like OKay time to go running
if capitalism has to be a thing then 24 hour facilities should also be a thing so they can employ people who can and will work those hours instead of forcing everybody into the pseudo-agriculture societal times of the day that isnt even relevant anymore and ignores the needs for mid-day rest
"society was built for morning people" i assure you it was not. it was built for the person who can be awake fully from 9-5 . which is not a morning person. we pass out at like 1 pm
did you know there are 3 other chronotypes of circadian rhythms and that most people do not fall into the morning lark or night owl chronotype did you know that anyway heres some morning shots from yesterday morning at 5 30 a m
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A zoomed out picture of New York City, you will notice the 5 burros
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im going to make a new blog spot. (I will never call it blogger . ) so i can be less annoying here b/c it mostly is just for me to collect my thoughts , i rly do not need to be annoying the Public who just wants to fancy my art this is still gonna be a personal acct but ima limit thoughts
i love it when i run out of cannabis when the ideation hits me over the head with a steel chair covered in 13 inch spikes gonna be a battle today, folks
realistic pet play . i play dead or do i you dont know until you leave the room for 15 minutes
Realistic pet play where you try to capture me with a golden bridle but you can’t because you’re not a fair maiden (you’re a man, and I’m into you, but I’m a unicorn)
da mania is now da pression haha. ha. h. hello si my old friend
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I’m an actual pacifist. I want all guns banned. I just need the left to do less “violence is bad even when it happens to Trump” and more “this is the world Trump wants the rest of us to live in.”
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im sorry if my version of being trans isnt your textbook definition !!! if i wanted to look like ruby rose i totally would but i dont want to i rather be a really sexy femme geralt
that entire argument alone is a reason why i dont feel like i can claim the """ trans """ title even though i 100000% dont feel cis i was told by a trans person 10 years ago that if you dont "cross the gender bridge, you're not trans" alright !!! i guess im nothing then good Bye
being called cys or cis-light or whatever has always caused me to go feral who in their right mind would even say this to a non binary person , like , go die
rly hate the whole 'afab has to look androgynous to be a real nb' shit i thought it was over but we are still being talked down at like we are not a real identity because we have Long hair and wear Makeup or whatever and amab nbs are just being , kinda ignored, altogether , erasure-wise
starting 2 wonder if a reason why i keep at a distance from ppl now is b/c nearly every friend i have gotten close to ends up crushing on me and if i dont reciprocate they kinda drift away all i wanted in my life was a friend and im only see as a romantic partner N_N
n e way my timeline was just blowin up coz ppl are yellin at an artist for not wanting to cater to children and like my dudes she has all right to want that lol ???? esp if you are any sense of queer , that paints a huge target on ur back if u have kids following u
im going to sue playboy because my son saw it on the magazine rack in a sex shop like how could they even think about portraying that kind of sexual imagery around my precious baby pure jesus honey bread child in this sex shop in my good christian home town reno nevada
nothing is going to stop a 14 year old from not clicking "im 18!" on e621.net is what im saying - overall it is the ACTUAL KIDS responsibility to understand what they are CONSENTING to online, even, which is what their parents should be teaching them, but ! alas !!!!
so some ruminations on being in the 'furry community' since i was 11 : - > furry community is largely adult , yes. there needs to be a strict divide between 18+ spaces and minor-ok places, something we do not have. - > its not the onus of the artist/character to monitor their following
whipped blood was not something i knew could exist until today. further research is needed ,
finland ...... are you full of vampires ........ why blood pancakes
bouncing between these two personal pieces trying to figure out a color scheme for the latter might make it into a banner idk im uploading here bc i like them as stand alone pieces enjoy
my other roomie took the keys when he went to work today so now i am stuck INside on a Nice day and i am going to cry about it Online because i think the empty void will comfort me Somehow while i gaze lamentingly out the window into the blue cottonball covered sky thinking about iridescent bubbles
i dont know what family bonds feel like so perhaps that is why i am so fickle with everyone i know in that sense it always sort of perplexes when people do have family bonds , and vice versa from them - they dont understand how i could go years without talking to my parents which is funny 2 me
a commission for bonusgator on twitter i had a lot a ton a superb amount of fun on this like crazy amounts is it obvi i hope its obvi anyway enjoy this crazy lady