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never got round to this one before. good stuff
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sound like wrong 'uns to me. a bad lot i shouldn't wonder
hmm. rather not
guess they promised not to put his wife in jail after all
I like the out of nowhere swipe at wyndham lewis in this NYT review of The Unnameable by stephen spender
seems like the obvious answer here then is that they should all, at all times, say "i am not capable of judging my own accuracy" www.newscientist.com/article/2429...
and the technology is still young, imagine the day when you can be in six meetings at once, or ten
A psychiatrist could make a career out of books about these peoples' fantasy version of Trump compared to the half-asleep, incoherent, ancient sack of fluid he actually is. It's pathetic but more importantly it's also extremely weird and alarming.
a physician who says the law does not allow abortion under those circumstances may well be wrong in their legal assessment, but a physician who says there is an unacceptable risk that a prosecutor and jury would not agree with their judgment that those circumstances exist is almost certainly right
This is pretty straightforward - you either believe the physicians and women who have been damaged by the law, or a partisan court who says there is no risk, and that everyone who says so is being irrational here.
in another couple of years it will just be understood that right wingers fly the flag upside down all the time, that that's just the right wing flag now
will no one rid me of this troublesome pervert
head of six companies, including a major U.S. military communications contractor and a company that puts wires in paraplegics' brains, wants you to know that he considers filing fraudulent business records to be a trivial matter
i agree but it's very funny that this needs to be said www.politico.com/news/magazin...
this is sort of the intuition i was groping towards with "maybe it's what they're trained on." we don't say what things are not as much as we say what they are
enjoying this explanation / partial defense of the robot from the other place
so, I didn't go looking for this. this is genuinely the first interaction i had with the AI Overview, or at least the first one i noticed
www.programmablemutter.com/p/google-ai-... Google has suggested sotto voce that its critics are being really mean and unfair. There is likely some truth to both complaints. But ... a bad story can not only stick to you, as the anal leakage story stuck to Olestra. It can become generative.
Google AI fails the taste testwww.programmablemutter.com Large language models have complicated consequences for brands
people ask "why are there so many articles about these freaks" and obviously one answer is just "peter thiel" but another answer is that it's fun to judge other people's parenting but generally you should try not to but here you have the green light to do it without reservations
you can just fucking go in on these people. you can be as judgmental as you like. you don't have to give them any benefit of the doubt
if you want a picture of the future imagine this weirdo slapping a toddler's face
something new to worry about
this seems not entirely unreasonable amp.theguardian.com/artanddesign...
slowly sinking into an enormous tureen of cold beet soup: a classic royal death
i understood then why animals have horns
who's going to pay the therapy bills of the people whose job it is to train the AI to produce just barely on the right side of the legal line gore porn
we call him scooby but he doesn't do
you just haven't blocked everyone who's rude to you yet, give it time
the normans integrated