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this one's very enjoyable. more in his mervyn-peake-ish vein than the more pulpy ones
never got round to this one before. good stuff
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this has always been the meat of the Alito stories. not just that there’s a “scandal” in the traditional sense, but that he is legitimately a moron
Dude is talking exactly and I mean EXACTLY like every blue check toad yelling about "Soros"-funded shit. This is absolutely batshit insane coming from a motherfucker who's decisions literally affect the lives of every person in this country.
lmao Google's AI is eating itself already -- telling you how much glue to put on pizza, citing a @katienotopoulos.bsky.social Business Insider article about Google's AI telling people to put glue on pizza
sound like wrong 'uns to me. a bad lot i shouldn't wonder
hmm. rather not
Crom does not answer prayers
guess they promised not to put his wife in jail after all
the ads should also completely cover the back button so you can't get away from the page or stop looking at them
he pretty much had lewis's number imo
I like the out of nowhere swipe at wyndham lewis in this NYT review of The Unnameable by stephen spender
i feel like an editor wouldn't let you get away with that kind of thing today and we are the poorer for it
the review is by spender i mean
seems like the obvious answer here then is that they should all, at all times, say "i am not capable of judging my own accuracy" www.newscientist.com/article/2429...
we're going to get that fucking duck for good this time
what annoys me most about them is that 75% of the ones I get are obvious lies. not that I read them but I involuntarily skim the subject lines and most of them are "your membership in something you never joined or even heard of is about to lapse unless you act NOW" or the like
I cannot believe it is good for the party that most of the direct communications most people get from the party, or from outfits holding themselves out as acting for the party, are obvious lies in the style of "your auto insurance is about to lapse unless you send us your bank details NOW" scams
every time I open my email I have to skim past two to four communications addressed to my first name personally, from what is or at least appears to be an organ of the democratic party, and immediately and instinctively dismiss them as just bullshit. is it good that are they training me to do that
"FELIX: Pete Buttigieg asked us PERSONALLY to reach out to you because he is concerned your membership in the DCCNC will EXPIRE at midnight and everyone will know you are a Trump supporter" no he didn't, my what now, why are you talking to me like you hope i might be senile
he wrote the majority opinion in bostock too. he's solidly bad don't get me wrong but he cannot completely be modeled by "will always do the nastiest thing possible in the nastiest way possible", unlike alito
right, he is absolutely not a moderate in any meaningful sense, but there are some limits to what I will believe roberts would be willing to do, which is not the case with alito
my basic mental model of the court divides them into the three liberals; then you've got alito and thomas who i would absolutely believe will vote for any proposed piece of right wing hackery at all, no limitations, no doubt, even and especially the things that sound like or are meant as jokes
If you define the lifelong ideologue who devoted his career to destroying the Voting Rights Act as a hair right of center, then the Supreme Court is a surprisingly centrist institution
then the others, who will probably vote for that stuff, but conceivably might not, or at least one of them might not for any given piece of right wing hackery
well i suppose you would also be in three meetings at once with AI so it would only be one third as bad
and the technology is still young, imagine the day when you can be in six meetings at once, or ten
imagine being in so many meetings at once that your AIs have to hold separate meetings to keep track of how many meetings you're in. sounds great right
there's no reason in principle why you couldn't be in an infinite number of meetings at once, like sticking your head inside the Aleph, but for meetings
not if i embalm them first
"unfiltered" is a great euphemism
If you ever feel like you have too much contempt for the DC opinion class please remember that it can never match their contempt for you www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/202...