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The brightest thing on the roster
"You can't expect Labour to move on child poverty when they've only been in power for a week" They could literally announce that they'll be scrapping the two child cap today. "But what about the economic situation?" Announcing the end of DWP sanctions would save money.
With the news that Joanna Cherry won't be standing for Holyrood unless the SNP says sorry, I want to make it clear I will only be joining the Scottish national football team under the same conditions.
Wes Streeting's main achievement is to make me like Stella Creasy more. (I already liked Whittome).
We should also be unapologetic about drawing parallels between the hysterical response to politicians being aggressively heckled at hustings (unpleasant) and the blase response to the worst effects of austerity (social murder)
Be ready for the UK establishment to use the attempted assassination on Trump to push its agenda to conflate political violence, property damage and entirely peaceful direct action. (Criticise Just Stop Oil all you want, but they are not about to start an assassination campaign)
Be ready for the UK establishment to use the attempted assassination on Trump to push its agenda to conflate political violence, property damage and entirely peaceful direct action. (Criticise Just Stop Oil all you want, but they are not about to start an assassination campaign)
Just a reminder to Brits (and I assume people in other not US countries) that plod can and will turn up at your door if you make *certain* jokes, even about people in other countries.
I like making my prog loving friends listen to this to see the pained expression on their faces. open.spotify.com/album/4Rmm48...
Greate$t Hit$open.spotify.com Punk Floyd · Album · 2020 · 13 songs.
They should finally text him back with the words "new phone who dis?"
Describing Labour as a "democratic centralist" party is always fun because it annoys two political demographics at once.
When people are "we don't know how PR would work in practice" it's like "what? Have you not met an electoral system nerd before. Because they absolutely will have a favourite and explain in great detail why Sainte-Laguë is better/worse than D’hondt".
That said, I think "I've never 'ad no pussy, but I've 'ad me share o' grumble" may be the worst lyric in the history of recorded music.
Even 1981, it's hard to believe Chas & Dave thought calling a song "Don't Anyone Speak English?" was a good idea. Even more astoundingly, it's not anywhere near as bad as you'd think. (It's old man moaning about youth slang rather than racism).
Even 1981, it's hard to believe Chas & Dave thought calling a song "Don't Anyone Speak English?" was a good idea. Even more astoundingly, it's not anywhere near as bad as you'd think. (It's old man moaning about youth slang rather than racism).
Playing Tubthumping just so I can fix my nephew with a steely stare and start going "actually, they have an extensive and excellent back catalogue and this is unrepresentative" for two hours.
you know how when people get alzheimers they can sometimes connect again with a piece of music they know very well? my kids are going to have to play me aughts indie rock and I'm already mortified.
This is absolutely the case and it *especially* includes historicals. Sorry, but there is no way I can believe you're playing Pike and Shotte without using the English Civil War as a backdrop for your fanfic about the Roundheads. (Or the Cavaliers if you are an objectively awful person).
I mean, actual wargames are storygames. If they weren't, folks wouldn't spend all the time painting the minis. It's the people who treat them like they're chess who are wrong :)
This is why my love for Adrian Chiles is light hearted but unironic. The columnist space is full of terfs, shock jocks and people convinced of their own brilliance. At yet he remains at his core a middle aged dad, sometimes confused by the modern world, but first a foremost a good bloke.
Player attendance permitting (and "power cut" is a pretty damn good excuse) I start my first ever Dungeon Crawl Classics campaign today.
If I'm honest, I'm mostly a bit envious after my repeated attempts to popularise #adrianchilesarmy failed to catch on.
A spokesperson for the Police Federation said "oink oink oink".
Just had a player for tomorrow's DCC campaign message to say he'll try to be there but a hurricane knocked out his power. I expect the rest of the group to raise their excuse game after that.
Oh, my boiler is leaking. Fanfuckingtastic.
Honestly, as far as sizeable fandoms go I think we're pretty lucky it's the BTS Army who've arrived here en masse rather than someone else. Obviously, I'm an old man and I don't get "it" but they've always seemed pretty wholesome when I've seen them elsewhere.
It always astounds me that Caitlin Moran was the "woman presenting 90s yoof music programs" that got to be a serious columnist. Puckrik actually knew how to do a good interview and I always thought the treatment of Huffty by the media reeked of homophobia.
If you see this, I would encourage you to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
If you see this, I would encourage you to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
Probably my favourite ever gimmick account on Twitter was the one that just quotetweeted journalists and then said which school and university they went to.
If you ever get imposter syndrome I want you to remember that Emily "Macron's gamble paid off" Matlis is literally paid to talk about politics in public.
Before people start trying to translate France into lessons for us elsewhere, there's some hard questions that need to be looked at. Why did 132 NFP candidates stand down but only 80 centrists despite the NFP having more electoral support? Why did 46% of Macron voters not vote to keep the RN out?
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about