
Furthest I've ever been: N: Isle of Mull, Scotland E: impossible to decide (I’ve been a lot of places and at some point it just wraps around) S: Montevideo, Uruguay W: impossible
Furthest I've ever been: N: Helsinki, Finland E: Wellington, NZ S: Dunedin, NZ W: Hanalei, HI
I always assume that N/S is basically “closest to the poles” but E/W is harder to figure. IDL? Greenwich? Both?
The problem is that sometimes the furthest east or west you’ve gone is the same place, on the other side of the globe!
When I saw this making the rounds on twitter, I seem to remember it had the vibe of "furthest point east or west from where you were born or live now".
Yeah, I think Australia is both my furthest east and west. And south, I guess. Leaves out a lot of other interesting places that are - relatively - closer. Furthest north is probably the Broch of Gurness in the Orkneys. Or Yellowknife, but I think the Orkneys.
I measure by longitudinal extremes but yeah same problem. I want a version of this game which is just finding the 4 points on the globe with the longest shortest path between them
i figure if there's a wrap around you just put "circumnavigator" there and have done with