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A no good yankee deep in the heart of Texas. Rooting for the Sox, Pats, Celts, Horns, and anyone vs. the Cowboys. Pre-dawn author, rest of my day in tech.
Go away, clouds--I want more free electricity!
Always read Andrea. One of the best voices on this topic. And possums!
New for MSNBC: I'm not optimistic that the CNN debate moderators will pressure Trump to commit to a coherent position on repro rights. The mainstream political press loves to let Trump off the hook even though we're five months from the election and he's still careening wildly between positions.
Opinion | CNN’s debate moderators shouldn’t miss the opportunity to ask Trump The former president can’t go even one measly news cycle with a consistent message on reproductive rights.
Stark reminder as to why the Sulzberger failson wants DJT back in the white house. These charts compare the NYT stock performance to the SPDR ETF in three relevant time periods.
As the resident finance bro, here u go.
Reposted byAvatar Jerry-ATX
Hopefully you all heard that FX/Hulu bumped up the S3 drop of THE BEAR, and all episodes will drop in … 15 minutes! Enjoy.
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
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I didn't even know Bolivia had started a labeling service.
4 months of headaches after install I’m FINALLY doing my part to keep the TX grid solvent.
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I just spoke to Paul Musgrave and he’s totally fine and just wants to take some time off social media to focus on work. All is well, it’s voluntary, and he says he’s touched by the concern.
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The idea that being an effective progressive politician means you never listen to anyone who disagrees with you and never make any compromises really needs to die
Best president of my lifetime. Not even close at this point.
Biden is a good president and he’s doing good things.
Reposted byAvatar Jerry-ATX
Men and women "convicted" of being LGBTQ and dishonorably or otherwise discharged from the military going back decades are getting pardons, opening up military health, disability, and retirement benefits in recognition of their service. Joe Biden is a good man.
Biden pardoning LGBTQ+ service members convicted for sexual The pardon could affect thousands of service members convicted over the six decades that military law formally banned consensual homosexual conduct.
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Sometimes the best choice we can make, will still leave us feeling sad and a bit helpless, caught in the meatgrinder of the world. That's the way choices work. The idea that we can escape the moral consequences of a choice by refusing to choose is a delusion.
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Don't quote dunk on that new Newsmax account - that gives it oxygen. Block it. If you want to hassle it some first, do it in the replies. Don't help it spread.
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Naomi Wolfe is yelling "No! No! No!" at the sky right now
Incredible mammatus right now. Chicago.
This is so bad.
I like eating mole, it’s a flavorful protein, but why do they only serve it in Mexican restaurants in a weird sauce??
We have positively failed our children. I hate the gun freaks and the GOP politicians who allow them to hold us all hostage.
Jesus fucking Christ look at this shit
Reposted byAvatar Jerry-ATX
33 years since a CAN team won the cup???? And Sean McDonough announcing is sending me. Voice of my Red Sox for a long, formative stretch of my fandom.
I don’t know why I never watched Hateful Eight before now, but Walton Goggins just always rocks.
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Furthest I've ever been: N: Helsinki, Finland E: Wellington, NZ S: Dunedin, NZ W: Hanalei, HI
Furthest I've ever been: N: Tallinn, Estonia E: Wellington, NZ S: Queenstown, NZ W: San Francisco
Reposted byAvatar Jerry-ATX
For the “nothing happened” after 2020 crowd. Actually something is still happening-changes sparked by movement are ongoing.Police departments are smaller&experiments (yes experiments!)in public safety beyond policing are more funded&widespread than ever.This is actually how durable change is built.
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Contender for favorite chart of all time: Predictions vs. Reality for solar energy.
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If voting and elections weren't important, billionaires wouldn't bother paying tens of millions of dollars to run ads to win them
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there may not be any American institution more morally bankrupt and full of horror beneath the surface than the megachurch industrial complex
Robert Morris, senior pastor at Gateway Church in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and former religious advisor to former President Donald Trump, resigned after admitting to molesting a 12-year-old girl in the 1980s over a period of 4 years.
Texas megachurch pastor resigns after admitting to molesting a Robert Morris, the former religious advisor to President Trump stepped down from his post after the abuse was made public in a report by the Wartburg Watch.
Reposted byAvatar Jerry-ATX
No "immunity" ruling. Again. When Trump and his lawyers make the "legal" argument that Trump's above the law for life, and the judicial system's response isn't a quick "what, are you kidding, no," that alone is a big problem. When speed helps Trump, SCOTUS has ruled fast. When delay does, they wait.
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Just watched this doc I’ve somehow never seen. This thing went from a conversation while fishing to an actual plane in 28 months. We used to be a proper country!
Looks like I brought a souvenir home from OR. Blergh.