
You’re sitting on the porch with me today having coffee and getting absolutely devoured by mosquitos today, this is what you get
Jeremy you have a bery nice and clear complexion. If you say you use nothing but a bar of soap on your face, I will die.
I have tried serums and oils sometimes (I turned 50 this year and in my late 40s I thought maybe I should try some stuff out) and all of them make me break out or my skin get weird. I do use good soap, though!
And of course it made me blush, too.
Do what your skin says is right for it, and glad you use good quality soap. Not even trying to be an argumentative lil shit, but do you think it could have been the result of "skin purging"? And not necessarily a bad reaction to serums?
Oh, Jeremy, I did not know about the porch. Porches are extremely my jam. This porch is 10/10.
Oh! Have you not seen our house?
Our house was built in 1924. The floors are almost all red oak. It feels impossible that a house like it could exist in South Florida.
My word, it is lovely! This must have been before we were following each other. Because I would have remembered.
this porch has ambitions of being a veranda and I believe it can reach its goals
We have a veranda out back!
we have ended the on-the-mosquito-lunch-menu phase of the summer (a week in rural Maine with The Fambly) and are now returning to our natural habitat this was the view from the mosquito buffet table as we kvetched to anyone who'd listen about Gordon's misleading account of the London Conference
That schooner is giving me so many nostalgic pangs and I've never even been on one. Must be in the blood somewhere.
technically neither have we. (we've been on numerous sail-powered vessels but none of them were schooners – mostly catboats and sloops, one ketch that called itself a schooner because it made the tourists happier, and one full-rigged ship that stayed happily moored, not that I blame the old girl)
I'd say you've got the sea-longing and are therefore obviously of the blood of númenor but don't you live by the sea anyway? so either it's not that or it's REALLY that and you're gonna be the next Eärendil or Aldarion bring me back a silmaril would ya?
I do live by the sea but my heart aches for the mountains. The best part of growing up in Oregon was I didn’t have to choose.
I've done plenty of sailing in little 2-sail craft (maybe Flying Juniors? One mainsail and a jib and easy to flip) in many, many summer sailing classes on the Willamette (leaving from a dock in Sellwood) but I've never been at-sail in a larger craft. I'd like to experience it someday!
maybe we'll go to sea again one day, but I absolutely draw the line at "sail power on the open ocean". the sea is a fickle, murderous bitch-goddess at the best of times and the less power i give her over me the happier I will be, generally speaking.
sailcraft, like nuclear power plants, are incredible feats of engineering that demand immense technical skill to operate and which I am perfectly happy to contemplate and observe but prefer to leave close proximity to while in operation to the professionals whom I consider slightly delightfully mad
Oh, I agree with this wholly. Sailing on a large body of water: yes! Sailing in the open ocean? Nope.
I do not! I didn’t last long out there.
I go out hoping they aren’t bad and sometimes they aren’t. Right now, though, they’re having their very best life.
I don’t remember where is was but either here or on Twitter I yelled I hate mosquitoes and a bot replied with 🦟
can’t believe I’m posting this because I used to wish death to mosquitoes all the time but I live in Thailand and the mosquitoes have just… gone! I can’t remember when I last got bit…. it’s actually scary…. so at least they thriving somewhere and not… extinct 😳
Amazing, though. I would love to be somewhere they *aren’t* thriving. They absolutely love me.
same here, i really really hated on them, but this is surreal, they’ve just… gone! We can hang out at dusk in total comfort, no citronella 😁 no long sleeves, windows wide open, it’s unheard of.. I hate em but I know it’s very bad if a whole species vanishes…. so conflicted 🤣🤣🤣
I wonder if Thailand did any of the interventions folks have been testing, like releasing a bunch of sterile males into the wild.
oh no….. oh please no…. that hadn’t occurred to me cos (happily) we’re not an ‘at the forefront of’ kind of country…. now I want the mosquitoes back 😳😂😂
Maybe not! I looked for something in the news and just found a lot of scary stories about dengue fever.
i’m going to go make a tea just because of this, cheers
While I was out there I was thinking two things: 1) I should have put on some of the natural bug spray, and 2) Tay would love this.
you are correct, i love that porch. i hope you’re having a nice caturday Jeremy!
God I wish I had Rob Cantor’s voice
Really nice porch, and even nicer that you actually use it 🌴
I like the cool colors of your mug and shirt. I’d send one too but I’m drinking coffee in bed and this is a family show.