
alas these days what amounts to political courage in the US these days is hiring unpaid interns to post pictures of you with laser eyes and label it #based
Joking aside, one of the things Harris-as-candidate can do that Biden-as-candidate cannot is she can take credit for good things the admin does, distance herself from bad or even just unpopular things, and articulate a specific vision of improvement if elected
How did that work out for Humphrey in 1968
I was around (albeit quite young) in ´68, and besides the notion of the sitting President resigning, it was a vastly different time, with vastly different actors and circumstances. Humphrey´s mistake, it seems to me, was still supporting the Vietnam.
Humphrey was not allowed to deviate from LBJ’s war policy. LBJ should have resigned (or Humphrey should have resigned), but running in Johnson’s shadow was an anchor around his neck. Especially with Nixon lying about a ‘secret plan’ for peace while secretly scuttling the Paris peace talks
I agree, although I think ¨was not allowed¨ was rather he chose not to.
Or was threatened if he did. On wanting to stop bombing North Vietnam: “He (LBJ) told me that it would endanger American troops like his son-in-law and cost lives. I would have their blood on my hands,” Humphrey said. “He would denounce me publicly for playing politics with peace.”
Also I think it’s weird that 1968 discussion tends to leave out the fact that not only did LBJ withdraw, the frontrunner also got assassinated