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Rich white middle-aged women demanding mass deportation. A few years from now they'll be wailing when they can't find cleaning help or lawn crews. I'm curious how they'll blames the labor shortage on trans zoomers, but I'm sure they'll figure it out.
the statistics about thousands of civilian casualties should be enough, but it's impossible not to be moved to anger by individual stories like this. this kid was my son's age. end this war now.
No one involved in climate science or advocacy "needs to acknowledge" that mass extinctions result in new life millions of years later. They know that! They're trying to reduce human suffering, they're not confused about how geologic time works.
The Awkward Truth About The disappearance of species is destructive, but it’s also one of the most natural, creative forces on Earth.
Every value Democrats hold dear points straight toward freedom of movement. I have written this as an #OpenBordersDemocrat. If you agree, consider sharing and endorsing likewise. Immigrants will never be free until they have faithful friends and defenders in the Democratic Party.
Democracy Demands Open Every immigrant is a vote for America. Every deportation is a vote against America.
I didn’t know half this stuff
The Gray Lady is old enough that we can give them agency. I used to believe if we told them what they were doing wrong, they would say, oh wow, I hadn't realized this. Let me fix it. I assume now that they cover politics the way they do, because that is what they intend.
"The Jewish return to Palestine is unique in the history of colonization—it is one of the few instances on record where European colonization raised the standard of life of the native population." From "The Palestine Issue", submitted to the UN by the Jewish Agency, 1947
The Ohio State student newspaper has retracted its earlier report stating there were no snipers on campus yesterday, in response to a viral Twitter post. They've now confirmed there were state troopers with long-range firearms on the student union roof last night.
Lantern confirms officers on Ohio Union’s roof had firearms once arrests A version of this story was published Thursday at 8:55 p.m., and has since been removed following updated information. Around 8:15 p.m. Thursday, university spokesperson Ben Johnson said there were…
it cannot be said enough that the students are literally just chanting and linking arms in an open field. there are no laws being broken. and they're nearly outnumbered by cops in riot gear.
Denver cops with rubber bullet guns are pulling and shoving peaceful student protesters chanting and linking arms.
The excellent put together this list of protesters’ bail funds, contribute early, contribute often
Campus Bail Links to bail funds for student protesters.
Idk how anyone can deny climate change is real when cop riot season is starting two whole months earlier than usual
Hey Siri, show me a policy designed in a lab to increase recidivism rates in the service of performative, “tough on crime” buffoonery.
Florida is charging formerly incarcerated people $50 a day even if they’re no longer in prison. The “pay to stay” fee is based on the length of the original sentence, so even when they're released they must keep paying for a prison bed they’re not using.
Pay to stay: Florida inmates charged for prison cells long after It's a common saying: You do the crime, you do the time. But when people are released from prison, freedom is fragmented. It marks the start of new hardships, impacting families and communities.
when a picture says a thousand words
I'm bowled over by the beautiful response to Lujayn's piece. There's a ton of attention on the amazing student movement right now. Let this piece be a reminder of what that movement is about: ensuring that people in Gaza like Lujayn can live in peace and freedom.
Today in we have a piece by Lujayn, a 14-year-old girl in Gaza, that has floored me every time I've read it. It's about what happened when an Israeli bulldozer came to destroy the house she was staying in, and you must, must, must read it.
“The Bulldozer Kept Coming”: A Girl Stares Down Death in The extraordinary story of a 14-year-old, her mother, and what happened when the Israeli military came to destroy their house.
As long as we’re talking about terror let’s think whether we’d rather be a Jewish student at Columbia during this “occupation” by a few dozen students or a Palestinian student under the Israeli occupation, which has leveled every university in Gaza and killed more than 30,000 people in six months
“Israel is seeking to either destroy these norms or create a new normal in which it – much like the US – will be untouchable above these laws and norms.”
“70 percent of recorded deaths have consistently been women and children.” Israel has failed to prove that the men who constitute the remaining 30 percent “were active Hamas combatants – a necessary condition for them to be lawfully targeted.”
Israel and US deliberately gutting international law in UN genocide report shows how impunity has unravelled post-World War II international order.
The paper of record, doing hasbara washing for free.
I have to have a NYT subscription for work, but you probably don't.... "[NYT] instructed journalists covering Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip to restrict the use of the terms 'genocide' and 'ethnic cleansing' and to 'avoid' using the phrase 'occupied territory' when describing Palestinian land"
Leaked NYT Gaza Memo Tells Journalists to Avoid Words “Genocide,” “Ethnic Cleansing,” and “Occupied Territory” An internal style memo from New York Times editors tells reporters not to use words like “genocide” or “Palestine” when covering Israel’s war on Gaza.
33,000 people killed 200 humanitarian workers killed We need a sustained ceasefire now in #Gaza
respect to the Independent for getting that this is a time for putting editorial on the front page, and that the only conscientious stance is "the bombing must stop."
Cover of The Independent today