
The landed gentry / petty bourgeois class historically includes some of the most reactionary people in society who believe their privileges and comforts are precarious and act accordingly.
A common stereotype is than Jan 6 was done by hicks or poor folks. People traveled there. Money was involved. It was rich people. The car dealership owners or real estate people. The landed gentry of the burbs. This is proven by the many, many arrest records.
I wouldn't necessarily call them rich, though (my definition of "rich" is "doesn't need to worry about money"). They're upper middle-class folks: comfortably well-off but one financial calamity away from making hard decisions. That fear drives them to reactionary politics.
hmm yes that woman who posted on IG about staying at a fancy hotel, drinking champagne, and she owned a real estate company. i don't know if those photos helped convict her but i hope so