
A common stereotype is than Jan 6 was done by hicks or poor folks. People traveled there. Money was involved. It was rich people. The car dealership owners or real estate people. The landed gentry of the burbs. This is proven by the many, many arrest records.
New from me: I wrote about that new poll in the Washington Post about Jan. 6 views among the GOP. As tempting as it is to put the blame fully on Trump and MAGA, plenty of it falls on the supposed "moderates" who would rather talk about other things and "move on" from the attack
Opinion | Why a new poll’s Jan. 6 findings are so Whether calling rioters 'political prisoners' or insisting that the country 'move on,' Republicans have chosen to embrace Donald Trump over the truth.
I just came here to post this. It is one of the best articles I've read about J6
sorry to be this boring and lazy, but do you have a link to your Task & Purpose work somewhere? It's not on your About page on Substack and... well... Google is garbage these days...
I'm a contributing editor there writing weekly. Just go to the website.
further proof that the petite bourgeoisie are the social base of fascism
The comfortable middle-class consists of many people who are terrified of losing their privileges and can easily be scare-mongered into supporting fascists who promise to protect those privileges.
Very glad that only one of them had to be shot to scare the rest into retreating that day. Also kind of telling that she was Air Force. Previous coup attempt, they tried to hire a marine, which worked even less well for them.
"Scare the rest into retreat" Yes, please.
In that case you have to point out that the fascist always lies. They lie to get power. And relinquishing the power the middle class has to the fascist will be the middle class's undoing.
First, they don't have that much power, but they have the dangerous kind: small amounts of power, over concrete individuals. Not "wipe out a community of people you've never met with the stroke of a pen by closing a factory"-power. "You'll fail my class"-power.
Second, these are the people who thrive under fascism. Pettiness unleashed, with government support. Authoritarian characters who see themselves as pillars of the community & feel entitled to deference.
That one lady took a private plane!
Jenna Ryan, Dallas realtor who ended up serving 60 days.
There’s a common classist conflation of being poor with being tragically stupid. But anyone can be poor, and anyone can be stupid.
The rich are generally allowed to do stupid shit more than poor people because they have a big ol money cushion to fall back on. If a poor person fucks up doing stupid shit it's going to cost them everything.
I mean, this is also why recreational drug use *increases* with income because more money means: 1. the ability to buy more drugs, and 2. the ability to buy their way out of the consequences of using drugs. Poor people are always the ones who are blamed for drug use, tho!
Very true. Like that MAGA realtor woman from Texas that flew a private jet to get to Jan. 6 in DC. Real salt-of-the-earth regular folks types. 🙄
I've been waiting eight years for the press to figure out that a person can wear a trucker hat and not be poor
To be fair, the universal American energy is, be it podcast or coffee shop or insurrection, selling merch
True for Trump support on the whole. They love to bill themselves as "working class" but they're petit bourgeois.
Anyone who showed up on Jan 6 with a lot of tactical gear had to have the money to buy all of that gear and to travel. Many took time off work to go. I’ll bet Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shop made some money on those folks.
Been saying the people who want fascism the most are the upper classes. I'm a GenXer and the easiest way to tell if someone my age leans left or right is to figure out how successful they are.
Silent generation and older boomers are pretty democrat.
We have a lot of old hippies around here. They’re pretty liberal. Then we have the old hippies who went straight. They complain about ‘kids these days’ when they are guilty of far worse when they were younger.
I remember when one Jan 6ers house got posted and city folk were marveling at his poverty Dude had 3 4WDs parked outside and his own DUMPSTER
the Ski-Doo reactionary pipeline is real folks
the petite bourgeoisie are a core of Trump's support
Just as they were Hitler's
This is why they felt so confident and unafraid the entire time. It was a whole army of pampered dimwits who have never faced a single consequence in their entire lives.
It evokes observations by on the former 🐦site: (1/x) "The iconic trump supporter isn't working class. He's a middle aged guy in a small town who didn't go to college, inherited the family business, and is substantially wealthier than his neighbors."
(2/x): ""Economic anxiety" is fairly wealthy white people worried that their generational advantage in wealth and power are going to be eroded if POC and women have an equal chance at success."
(3/x): "(obviously this doesn't have to be zero sum; a stronger safety net for everyone means risks of "failure" can be minimized for all. but that's not how trump voters look at it.)"
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(4/x) made similar observations: "I feel like I need to write a column carefully explaining that just because someone drives a truck and wears camo doesn’t make them the “working class.” (apropos reading two consecutive columns which essentially make this error)
(5/5) "The basic, kind of banal point is that rural/blue collar identity is distinct from ones relationship to production and capital. The “working class” rebellion some folks are touting is really a (gendered, racialized) producerism."
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“Car dealership owners” - that phrase gave me bad flashbacks to when I worked at one. The GM was the biggest liar, fraud and tRumpster. Worse job decision I’ve ever made but taught me to listen to my gut even if I need a paycheck.
Same makeup the Klan has always been. Well-respected members of their community.
Nice of them to shift the blame of fascism onto the poor. Very in character
People who work in industries threatened by environmental laws. That’s how my district drifted Red.