Pé 🍸

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Pé 🍸


Equal parts sour ale, martinis, ceviche, chili, and pizza.

Hiding out in the burned husk of what used to be called Portland, Oregon.

Decriminalize all drugs.
As someone with 100% Syrian ancestry, I find it really amusing when white people accuse me of being pro-Zionism because I have nuanced views on the State of Israel.
Israel occupying southern Lebanon has, historically, always gone as planned.
The most obvious way this will end is with SCOTUS saying Congress forgot to statutorily execute the Insurrection Clause.
Trump's cert petition arguing that SCOTUS should confirm that he is eligible for the ballot in Colorado, Maine, and across the nation. It's...actually, pretty good. Worth a look. www.democracydocket.com/wp-content/u...
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Reposted byAvatar Pé 🍸
probably best to just let the voters decide
Sierra Leone’s former president charged with treason for alleged involvement in failed coup attempt
Sierra Leone’s former president charged with treason for alleged involvement in failed coup attemptapnews.com FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP) — Former President Ernest Bai Koroma has been charged with treason for his alleged involvement in a failed coup attempt in November, Sierra Leone’s government said Wednesday.Koroma has also been charged with misprision of treason, which is the crime of concealing knowledge of treasonable acts, according to a statement from the ministry of information and civic education.On Nov. 26, dozens of gunmen launched an attack in the West African nation’s capital of Freetown during which they broke into Sierra Leone’s key armory and into a prison where the majority of the more than 2,000 inmates were freed. At least 18 members of the security forces were killed during the clashes. More than 50 suspects, including military officers, have been arrested so far.The charges against Koroma were announced a day after a dozen people were charged with similar offenses in connection with the failed coup. Although he has officially retired from politics, Koroma remains an influential figure within his political party and often hosts prominent politicians in his hometown of Makeni.There have been political tensions in Sierra Leone since President Julius Maada Bio was reelected for a second term in a disputed vote in June. Two months after he was reelected, police said they arrested several people, including senior military officers, for allegedly planning to use protests “to undermine peace.”
Reposted byAvatar Pé 🍸
In that case you have to point out that the fascist always lies. They lie to get power. And relinquishing the power the middle class has to the fascist will be the middle class's undoing.
The landed gentry / petty bourgeois class historically includes some of the most reactionary people in society who believe their privileges and comforts are precarious and act accordingly.
A common stereotype is than Jan 6 was done by hicks or poor folks. People traveled there. Money was involved. It was rich people. The car dealership owners or real estate people. The landed gentry of the burbs. This is proven by the many, many arrest records.
But civility!
Let’s check in on the public communications of the perfectly normal, not-insane Trump campaign…
I was about to point out that Lululemon's locations are concentrated in diverse cities before I checked a map of their locations in Los Angeles and the Bay Area and realized they generally open locations in white neighborhoods.
Lululemon’s billionaire founder Chip Wilson slams the company’s diversity and inclusion efforts: ‘You’ve got to be clear that you don’t want certain customers coming in’
Lululemon’s billionaire founder slams the company’s diversity and inclusion effortsfortune.com "You’ve got to be clear that you don’t want certain customers coming in."
That a democratic republic can't have mechanisms in place to prevent someone who attempted to use the power of the presidency to nullify an election he lost from appearing on the ballot is nuts.
“Were Trump to be excluded from a ballot, Trump voters would of course claim that they have been cheated. But they will claim that anyway, in any possible scenario in which Trump does not win reelection. He will lie about the outcome, and they will believe him.” newrepublic.com/article/1778...
There’s Nothing Undemocratic About Barring Trump From the Ballotnewrepublic.com Some take a dim view of using the Constitution to disqualify the former president, saying only the voters have the right to decide. There are some big holes in their argument.
Found out that a family friend has been giving colloidal silver to her kid the other day and I'm determined to never make friends ever again.
Reposted byAvatar Pé 🍸
The (white) grifters who pretend to care about Palestine cut their teeth on propaganda and disinformation during the war in Syria, defending Bashar Al Assad as a resistance hero (barf) while I studied photos of people his government tortured to death, by the thousands.
if you were very recently defending Putin in Russia and dismissing a sea of reports of atrocities against Ukrainian civilians as propaganda, forgive me if I doubt that your commitment to protecting civilians is truly genuine
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I will never for the rest of my life forget when the grandson of the founder of Motorola came up to me in high school and said "How does it feel?" and I said, "Excuse me?" And he said "How does it feel to know you worked so hard and finished at the top of our class but I'm the one going to Harvard?"
Why oh why can’t Bret Stephens please climb the pinnacle of shutting the fuck up?
Reposted byAvatar Pé 🍸
The festive butthole trend taking the world of graphic design by storm
Conservatives: we'll make exceptions for the life of the mother. Also conservatives: no, there can't be an emergency care exception.
A federal appeals court on Tuesday ruled that Texas hospitals and doctors are not obligated to perform abortions under a long-standing national emergency-care law.
Texas doctors do not need to perform emergency abortions, court ruleswww.washingtonpost.com The ruling deals a blow to the White House’s strategy to ensure access to abortion after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022.
Reposted byAvatar Pé 🍸
HUGE!!! Platformer, one of Substack’s biggest publications, announces it will leave the platform if leadership won’t reverse course on banning nazis. They’re meeting with them this week to discuss. www.platformer.news/p/openais-ne...
This headline was made by the same editors who greenlit 5+ dozen articles about Harvard's president over the past five weeks.
Hey guys, just got a news alert — you heard about this story????
Large language model AIs have very little use outside of industry, where firms can afford to pay for the processing power for specialized queries. But consumer level LLM AI platforms are probably not viable, even if they win the "fair use" copyright lawsuits.
Most AI initiatives are losing vast sums of money, this seems to suggest that the best course of action would be for the people who work in the field to offer their labor without compensation, for the benefit of society. Let's start with the executives.
The institution of white supremacy exists across the political spectrum; it might be "stronger" in the right-wing but it guides a lot of white leftism, as well.
The sole reason that Rufo won against Harvard is because he has lots of friends in the "liberal" media who wanted him to win.
The sole reason that Rufo won against Harvard is because he has lots of friends in the "liberal" media who wanted him to win.
Reposted byAvatar Pé 🍸
NEWS In a statement, Senator Bernie Sanders is calling for no more US funding of “Netanyahu's Illegal and Immoral War Against the Palestinian People.”
Reposted byAvatar Pé 🍸
Most AI initiatives are losing vast sums of money, this seems to suggest that the best course of action would be for the people who work in the field to offer their labor without compensation, for the benefit of society. Let's start with the executives.
i understand there are people who take Yann LeCun's opinions seriously for some reason. Here's where he tells you to write for free because, when he says "society", he means his AI team at Facebook.
Reposted byAvatar Pé 🍸
NEW: DC Circuit panel hearing arguments on Trump's presidential-immunity appeal on Jan. 9 tells parties to be prepared discuss "discrete issues" raised by amicus briefs. One such brief argues that the immunity appeal is improper and must wait until after trial (an argument Jack Smith hadn't made).
I thought I had finally done it after years of struggle, pricked fingers, etc. Nope, the fucking blackberry bush is still alive.
I think a fair number of those people take it merely as an article of faith that the earth is young but rationally acknowledge that it's billions of years old. I believe holding these (admittedly contradictory) views is the official stance of the Vatican.
TIL 40% of Americans believe in Young Earth Creationism.
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2023 temperatures were statistically bananas. wapo.st/48AjORg
The 15th Amendment very clearly does not allow lifetime felony disenfranchisement; it's arguable if it even allows for prisoner disenfranchisement at all. Yet, the politics of disenfranchising Black people overrode the mandates of the 15th Amendment.
I am sure I will regret wading into this one but the surprisingly popular idea that the 13th Amendment is responsible for or allowed for the rise of convict leasing and, later, mass incarceration is understandable but incorrect. Explanation below.
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Axios reporter Barak Ravid is reporting that Netanyahu wants Alan Dershowitz to represent the state of Israel at The Hague.
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Enumerating the potential benefits of “AI” and accidentally describing a dystopian hellscape is a whole-ass genre. www.fastcompany.com/91002501/ai-...