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🇦🇺 23, practicing encyclopædist
Reposted byAvatar Forth
Climate action. My @smh cartoon.
Been waiting like 15mins for this set I need to just squat the bar
This is why a new right doesn’t work, they’ll just make you sign it away then sell it off a decade later
#Informa’s update stated 4 focus areas of the #Microsoft deal: * increasing Informa’s own productivity * developing an automated citation tool * developing #AI-powered research assistant software * giving Microsoft data access to “help improve relevance and performance of #AI systems”. 😡🤯
An academic publisher has struck an AI data deal with Microsoft – without their authors’ After news, art and music, generative AI has found a new resource to mine: academia
Reposted byAvatar Forth
Not wikipedia citing the devout catholic claim to a Linkedin blog post
It would be cool if Longlegs sparked a wave of interest in Tiny Tim, the deeply odd, sweet, queer, devoutly Catholic ukulele player and music archivist who took America by storm in the late 1960s.
Tiny Tim (musician) -
Reposted byAvatar Forth
thou shalt not ponder thy neighbor’s orb
Three theses: 1) love wins 💖 2) the stars are real ♑️ 3) Joe follows his horoscope ✨
Guy who wants these to go ahead as fireside chats with Kamala
Reposted byAvatar Forth
I had kind of assumed that “what if Father Coughlin had been a waifu thirst-trap for outer-borough Maoist cokeheads with podcasts” was a Harvard University sociological experiment that had concluded some time prior but life is full of delicious little surprises, isn’t it?
My principled stance against pets in the apartment for now remains correct, but it would be really nice to have a pet.
This is the best explanation of the mechanics I’ve seen so far
I've obtained copies of the .sys driver files Crowdstrike customers have. They're garbage. Each customer appears to have a different one. They trigger an issue that causes Windows to blue screen. I am unsure how these got pushed to customers. I think Crowdstrike might have a problem.
Reposted byAvatar Forth
Crowd Strike? If Azure is down sounds more like cloud strife amirite???
Reposted byAvatar Forth
The after-stream of what I think is both the extended Trump and Vance families milling around on stage is pretty awesome. Too bad the opera signer finished :(
Reposted byAvatar Forth
it is kinda funny how Trump has basically evolved into a Latin American caudillo, along with their penchant for enormously long speeches
🤓 As a neo-aristotelian virtue ethicist…
5. Anyone I see criticizing the way anyone handles receiving a flood of tendentious, harassing bullshit masquerading as "criticism" or "accountability" or any one of the thousand neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics excuses for being a fucking asshole is an instant block.
Huffington denigrated!
This week's newsletter: It's time to call BS on generative AI and demand that companies like OpenAI actually provide useful, helpful software, and actively reject the growing coterie of hucksters using AI as a marketing tool to get media headlines.
Put Up Or Shut I feel like the tech industry is currently in the midst of the most bizarre cognitive dissonance I've ever seen — more so than the metaverse, even — as company after company simply lies about their in...
Reposted byAvatar Forth
I would hate to get mauled by a bear without getting the incomparable pleasure of poking it first
Reposted byAvatar Forth
Mesa so happy to pick JD Vance as VP, okeeday? He gonna be bigly, bigly good, Anni! Together, we gonna make America bombad again. JD, he's got the brains, the heart, and the oomph! Mesa can’t wait to work with him, bringing Yousa all the bestest! Yousa gonna love it!
Look, folks, Thanos, great guy. Powerful. Did amazing things. Sure, people say he wiped out half the universe, but he did it with strength, efficiency. The Avengers? Total disaster. Couldn't handle it. Thanos had a vision, believe me. People talk, but you need strong leadership. He delivered bigly.
Has anyone asked whether Trump may have experienced cessation of identification with the self as a result of his incident?
Stuck peeling potatoes with a four inch serrated blade
Reposted byAvatar Forth
healthy meal + an evil beverage
Rod Dreher is developing thoughts on “them”
Sophie’s world was fun so far but unfortunately it seems to have been written without any gallileo revisionism so it goes all in on silly geocentrists got owned by the renaissance