
The New York Times marks a grim milestone with a front page bearing not a single image: just names, one after the other.
4 years later and is carrying water for the guy who wanted turned half the country into rabid antivaxxers, turned healthcare workers into targets and wanted to suppress news of Covid deaths because they were bad for his re-election chances
And it just kept going from there. The mess Trump and his administration made of the COVID crisis ought to disqualify him from holding office ever again. The US had the worst death rate of any other developed nation. What are the MAGA people thinking?
Still has the worst death rate. There have been well over a million more deaths in the US since that date, the vast majority occurring in the current administration
Note that May 24, 2020, was eight months before Joe Biden took office and a vaccine first became available. It's commonly understood that Trump's lax policies, ensuring that the virus could run rampant and mutate, led to the excessively high death rate in the US.
Do you honestly believe the virus stopped running rampant, mutating, and causing death after January 2021? The deadliest wave by far occurred a year after Biden took office. Trump is a monster, but that doesn't mean Biden's response was not disastrous
I closely monitored the infection and death rates in my state for months before AND after the change in administration. The death rate dropped steeply by summer 2021. But you can believe what you want.
What happened in fall and winter of 2021?
The virus “running rampant” wouldn’t have had the foothold it did if trump wasn’t potus. Obama had a handbook for a potential pandemic but the orange turd completely ignored it because he put his pride ahead of the well-being of Americans.
And it wasn't just his pride, either. In recorded conversations with Bob Woodward, he said in early 2020--when it was beginning to run wild--that he knew how dangerous the virus was but he didn't want it to taint his run for re-election. It was an election tactic for him, nothing more.
MAGA people are thinking that Trump will punish the bad* people and bad people being punished us more important than any good anyone could do. * non-Christian, brown, LGBT, woke, immigrant, lazy, sick, etc
And half of America saw that and said “Fuck those grannies”
This was back when the New York Times still did - oh, what's that word... JOURNALISM, wasn't it?
how's the NYT covering the fact that Covid is currently still more of a killer than the flu and any other related illnesses now that a democrat is in charge
That's my point - it's NOT covering COVID seriously any more.
While someone just played through.
Keep up the tireless but necessary work, please.
The current number is now more than ten times that. It was still the bottom of the mountain.
NYT to run this again with the subheadline - Why This is Bad for Biden.
Already forgotten, and ready to re-elect the guy in charge at the time.
Good God The preventable rest one one head
I was one of the lucky ones. I had it in May of 2020 and it was the single worst illness I’ve ever had. I shudder thinking about the number of people who never left the hospital. Incredibly sad.
That’s rough luck. I didn’t need hospitalization when I caught it March 2020. But I didn’t have a test to tell me for sure it was…nor were there good treatments yet. A nerve-wracking couple days.
But you didn’t expect a test or treatment to be available at that point, did you?
It would have been nice. What’s my oxygen saturation? How are my lungs doing? Is it Even Covid or am I just feeling a bit feverish because of another illness? So I lay there in bed and told my family to stay away, and called my doctor’s office and worried, and hoped.
I guess because I’ve worked in a lab my mind went to blood tests, not other diagnostics. If you were in the emergency department I would be surprised if they didn’t do an O2 saturation level. As for determining if it was COVID, March 2020 was too early to make that determination. 1/2
I can certainly understand the worry. And even if it was something other than COVID, having your family stay away was a prudent move. How is life today? 2/2
I cannot believe we let over a million people die and there are people driving around with bumper stickers saying it is a cold. Over ONE MILLION PEOPLE DIED. It’s so frightening to me that this is possible.
twice this many people have been murdered in gaza btw
Surprised they remember. And how is it bad for Biden?
When I zoomed in the first person I saw was 25 years old. The elderly were not the only victims. This is heartbreaking. If the USA had a more responsible potus, so many deaths could have been avoided.
I don't know how a news rag with so many genuinely good pieces like this could also be responsible for some of the worst published opinions on earth.
Little did they know how many more would die 😞
"incalculable" loss. what a gruesome newspaper. why would we want to EVEN ATTEMPT to CALCULATE such losses? eeew
It's because we didn't inject bleach or put a light up our ass as Tangerine Palpatine suggested...