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Runner. Dad.
Very cool. Mine would be similar. I would get a 1964 Pontiac Tempest convertible. It was my dad’s first car, he bought when he was in the Air Force. It was long gone by the time I was born in 68, but I am curious if I would see in it what he did.
Super happy for Brandon Miller, Brooks Beast 800m runner! He made the Olympic team today! He took time to join my middle school track team at a practice in May. And he sure didn’t have to. He spent two hours doing drills with my kids. They will always be able to say they worked out with an Olympian!
No, I didn’t watch the debate. I spent the day fly fishing with my 17yr old daughter.
I’m 3 yrs OLDER than KR. I can certainly down a pounder of cheap beer when I want. But dayum. Last summer, for fun, I ran 50miles thru the mountains in Montana, and then raced 50 miles over the Cascades. I’m no model, but I think I look better after running 50 miles than he does..maybe ever.
What kind of prick does a ransomeware attack on a public library? Fuck what assholes.
Part of PT for my busted hamstring includes something I had never heard of: BFRT Blood Flow Restriction Therapy. You can google how it works, that’s too long for a skeet. But I can confirm that holy cow, my legs were beat after what I thought was gonna be easy work. Wow.
I wasn’t expecting this to be good beer, but I also wasn’t expecting it to be so bad! Yeesh. There is nothing premium about “Premium Northwest” lager. The elk on the can must signify that it’s t tastes like elk piss. Yeesh. I much prefer lagers to ales, but this isn’t representative of ales at all.
Ack! I applied to join this brand ambassador group before I got injured. And I promptly forgot about it. Now what do I do? I guess I’ll email them and see if they still want me. I can’t race until 2025, so I’m not gonna be able to do much ambassadoring (yes, I know).
Dude did a very impressive thing…
Not to be outdone, my oldest daughter gave me one of those fill-in-the-blank books, and lemme tell ya, I feel seen.
My 14yr old daughter made her old man cry on his birthday today..
First pic is a month ago after a nasty hamstring injury. The 2nd pic is today. I managed my first “run” since the injury, 1-mile with four walk breaks each time I felt the hammy being strained, wanting to avoid re-tearing it. So a long road back to running has begun. At least it’s a start.
To all my LGBTQ+ friends and relatives: Here’s mud in yer eye. May we meet up for a drink soon. But I’m not waiting, sorry. I needed a cocktail, and I’m having a cocktail.
A nice day called for a nice meal. Chicken Milanese from Cooking.
Daddy daughter weekend rolled on today with an outrageous milkshake at Outlier in Seattle. Hilariously bonkers milkshake. Yes, we did make it to the bottom of it.
Looking through an old bag of gear and stumbled upon this bottle of cologne. It’s at least ten years old. Still smells good! ::pssht! pssht!:: We’ll see if that’s still the case later today.
I made this Korean Fried Chicken recipe from NYTtimes Cooking. Really, really delicious.
I just saw it on Amazon. Even comes in multi packs.
Tonight, I’m making burgers on a panini grill from this Cooking recipe. Ground my own burgers. We’ll see how I did in awhile. Meanwhile, I am enjoying this lager from Patagonia and Aslan Brewing in nearby Bellingham, WA. It’s very good. Made with soil-saving, Kernza grain. Mmm…
So this place that makes doughnuts from a dough with mochi inside opened near our house recently. We finally had one yesterday. Must say, holy cow, delicious! Awesome texture. I’ve always wanted a doughnut with a little more bite but still airy. This hits.
I’m a decent home cook, but I’ve never been good at baking. Today’s pizza crust turned out pretty great, tho! I think I learned what I was doing wrong, so I’m eager to replicate this (although w a bit more time in the oven for some carmelization).
I’m a total wuss about heat. I HATE hot weather. And 80 degrees in Seattle feels hot to me. So I’m busting out my favorite hot weather cocktail: the GBC - gin, basil, cucumber. Essentially a G&T with the herb and cukes. Delicious. But I still want clouds and 55 back.
Here’s one of the racists who spearheaded the name change. Be a shame if this public official had to hear from the public about his really dumb racist move.
I coach middle school track. While sprinting during a fun “coaches relay” at the championship Saturday, I pulled up in pain. Yesterday my wife asked what was on my leg. I think this bruise indicates a grade 2 hammy tear. I think I will stick to slow ultras after this heals. Ugh.
For sale at my nearby grocery. Apt description. Price is a little low imho. I personally wouldn’t sell mine for anything.
Which actor’s expression will stay with you forever?
Which actor's expression will stay with you forever?
Last week, pro runners visited the middle school track team I coach. Today they met the creative director & co-founder of, Ryan Thrower. He talked w the kids about how he turned his interest in photography into a living. And how he once hated running, but grew to love it.
This is not a paying gig, but I needed to feel wanted and this couldn’t have come at a better time.