Frankie F. Funk

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Frankie F. Funk

Chicago's finest Roleplaying Gamer / Energy Wonk / Geekdad / Metalhead /Cargo Biker / Cat Parent
The album "Sandinista Project" that is better in every song than the Clash's Sandinista.
Other than Hurt by Johnny Cash and any version of The Sound of Silence, what are your favorite cover versions of famous songs?
My wife and MIL both make me lose my mind. In 1000 feet your destination is on the left. So let's park now, on the right, even though if you'd have just driven the rest of the way you could have parked directly in front.
Is there is anything dumber than people holding their phones up to film fireworks?
Why is the setpoint in hotels always so friggin low? Who thinks 68degF is a normal room temperature?
Oh yay our plane is out of service and they are trying to find us a new one
Neighbor and I both reported the nuisance car alarm van for its City Sticker violation. Not as satisfying as a brick would have been, especially with a 7 day estimated response time.
If this van in front of my house car alarm goes off one more time, it's getting a brick. (I have been saying that for the last 10 times it went off... But this time I might go through with it.)
I had a good job interview today and they are moving me to round 2. Exciting and also kind of terrifying.
JFC fuck this stupid ass "must attend" meeting
Ohio HB 79 passed the House yesterday! Energy efficiency for electric IOUs is on its way back for Ohio! (If it passes the Senate in lame duck...)
Our work building gave out free rainbow M&Ms for Pride. Which is more than my org did - didn't even rainbow the logo (which I suggested last month as a minimum effort they could do). #happypride
There’s a group of kids on the corner selling lemonade. They yell “LEMONADE” at every passing vehicle, but the only people I have seen stop for a drink so far are on foot or bike. There is no shortage of free parking on the street. Maybe this is analogous to local business districts. 😉
I screwed up my alarm clock at woke up at 9:02 this morning and had a 9:00 call. Love a day that starts on a screw up. Only uphill from here.
That sauerkraut I had with lunch is going to provide a little extra propulsion for my bike ride home.
I grew up without a dad, and I don't think about Father's Day. It's just another Sunday and I hope nobody makes a thing out of it. Never needed it.
Time to get ready for my niece's graduation party* *Get high in the garage until it is time to go
Holy shit, this was a wild read
tired: Nigerian scammers tried to steal Graceland wired: A trail of clues leads to a granny in Branson who’s known for scamming boyfriends, landlords, and faking cancer and her sister did time for a Vegas Ponzi scheme. Who tried to steal Graceland?
I'm helping write a state energy emergency planning exercise and it really is just one Elder Thing away from being a Delta Green scenario #ttRPG #energysky
The grossest, trashiest places I see regularly in Chicago are the underpasses beneath trains and highways. City doesn't do street cleaning etc because that's state land or railroad land their road just passes through. Jurisdictional bullshit in the way of not being nasty.
Just did the exit interview with my spring/summer intern. He was great and I'm a little sad to not have him anymore.
The downside of being the office IT guy is knowing when my coworker is being fired before they do.
One of my favorite bikes is my 1959 Chicago-made Schwinn Twinn Deluxe tandem. We need to bring that back. Local jobs building bikes that local people can afford and ride.
On a tour of Argonne National Lab today. Super excited because I've never been here before. #energysky
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I went to a Mondale-Ferraro campaign rally with my grandparents.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: Sea Wolf was the first video game that I ever played.
The nice thing about school being out and work-from-home days is that I set my alarm for an hour later, and I can still go back to sleep for another hour if I want.