
minimal topline change and battleground shifts under the hood are the kind of thing i would definitely, definitely want access to the actual poll rather than descriptions of it to understand
the people interpreting data for the campaign aren't idiots, they want to win, and likely most of them would stay exactly where they are in a Harris switch.
Yeah, like I'm aware that non-response issues are acute in the aftermath of a debate loss like this, etc. At the same time if you were to sketch the types of numbers that would show up in polls that would indicate a red-alarm problem, well these would be among them.
I think these would need to be *the best* numbers you see.
Yeah maybe they'd need to be a bit worse? It's not the national numbers that worry, it's the swing states. But also they're going to need a plan to win, and if the numbers stay this bad and Joe can't effectively message that seems like a problem. But maybe he's OK and all this is fixable.
That's a really good result. I genuinely hope that's the state of the race in pa. To the Biden team's credit it seems like he's got a full press tour booked up over the next week.